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Virtual reality, augmented reality, and other immersive technologies in teaching


Virtual reality are experiences in which users feel immersed in a digital environment, such as a virtual hospital.  In most instances, the users wear an apparatus on their head, called a head mounted display, to observe this experience.  Users observe relevant events, such as an ill patient, and may be able to evoke some responses, such as decide which treatment to apply.  Augmented reality is similar but combines actual objects with digital projections.  Virtual reality and augmented reality, together with some variations, are sometimes collectively referred to as immersive technology.


Often, these immersive technologies will combine a range of senses.  That is, students may watch a scene, listen to the sounds, and interact physically with digital objects (Su & Cheng, 2019).  Therefore, virtual reality in particular often integrates visual, auditory, and haptic cues.


Virtual reality, augmented reality, and similar technologies are escalating internationally.  For example, according to Fortune Business Insights (2019), across the globe, the virtual reality market has been projected to reach a market size of 120.5 billion US dollars by 2026.  This market primarily revolves around gaming.  However, Fortune Business Insights predicted that virtual reality is likely to become an increasingly vital tool in education.  Virtual reality and augmented reality will enable students to absorb themselves in learning experiences—to the extent that was not possible in a typical classroom.


Indeed, as Radianti, Majchrzak, Fromm, and Wohlgenannt (2020) revealed, virtual reality has already been applied in many fields of education.  These authors showed that research has explored the merits of virtual reality to teach engineering, computer science, astronomy, biology, nursing, geography, medicine, Earth sciences, art, chemistry, physics, surgical medicine, safety, maintenance, language, and architecture—to develop practical skills, declarative knowledge, problem solving capabilities, and collaboration skills.  The discipline that is represented most frequently in the literature is engineering.


Benefits and complications of immersive technologies

Many studies have shown that immersive technologies, such as virtual reality, do indeed enhance learning (e.g., Su & Cheng, 2019).  For example, Merchant et al. (2014) conducted a meta-analysis to explore the effects of three features of immersive technology—immersive games, immersive simulations, and virtual worlds—in both school students and higher education students.  Games, simulations, and virtual worlds, when embedded in immersive technologies, all enhanced learning.  Fixed effect sizes varied from .36 to .77: games were more effective than simulations and virtual worlds. 


Immersive technologies enhance many distinct measures of learning.  For instance, as reviewed by Suh and Prophet (2018), virtual reality and augmented reality have been shown to enhance knowledge of the content or materials in the course, to increase the accuracy and performance on physical tasks (Radkowski et al., 2015), and to improve attitudes towards learning (e.g., Hwang et al., 2016).


Although often beneficial, virtual reality does not always enhance student learning.  For example, as one review showed, in the field of medical or bioscientific education, virtual reality has been shown to enhance learning in some circumstances but not in other circumstances (Fabris et al., 2019).


Indeed, commentators have raised some concerns about immersive technologies.  First, institutions are sometimes concerned that such technologies might jeopardize security and enable intruders to access IT systems.  Potential vulnerabilities include SQL injection, XSS, exploitable UDP, and inadequate account lockout settings.  Second, the costs of relevant infrastructure and immersive content can be pronounced.  Third, users may experience discomfort and illness.  Motion sickness, physical discomfort, and distraction are sometimes reported by users (Suh & Prophet, 2018).


Determinants of these benefits and drawbacks

Several characteristics of individuals or settings may affect the impact of immersive technology—although research on this topic has been limited (for a review, see Suh & Prophet, 2018).  For instance, in one study, conducted by Jin (2013), participants were exposed to a virtual robotic haptic experience, a feature that is common in immersive technologies.  Participants also indicated the degree to which they experience a sense of presence, measuring the degree to which the experience felt real.  In addition, participants also completed a sensation seeking scale, measuring the extent to which these individuals enjoy thrilling, exciting, and unpredictable experiences.  Interestingly, presence was more pronounced in participants who reported low levels of sensation seeking.  Presumably, these individuals are more sensitive to stimuli.


In addition, gender might affect the effect of these immersive technologies.  For example, as Munafo et al. (2017) showed, after they wear head mounted displays and engage in virtual reality, women are more likely than men to experience motion sickness.  These differences could not be attributed solely to discrepancies in how they swayed their body while completing the task.  Therefore, in this sense, virtual reality could disadvantage women and be regarded as sexist, according to the authors.


Theories that explain the benefits of immersive technologies

Researchers have proposed a range of theories to explain the benefits of immersive technologies.  To illustrate, according to presence theory (e.g., Von der Pütten et al., 2012), users of immersive technologies perceive the environment as more immediate and thus relevant rather than abstract, remote, and insignificant.  This sense of immediacy, called presence, tends to enhance the effort and thus motivation of learners, promoting engagement, contemplation, elaboration, and thus learning. 


Presence theory implies that immersive technology enhances learning in general.  However, in contrast, immersive technology may enhance only specific kinds of learning.  To illustrate, situated cognition theory suggests that immersive technology may primarily enhance the capacity of students to apply their learning in natural and realistic settings (Chang et al., 2016).  That is, virtual reality and augmented reality enable students to learn skills in settings that overlap with the circumstances they are likely to operate.  The students, therefore, are likely to apply skills that match the social and cultural environment in which they work.


Alternatively, immersive technologies may be especially beneficial when the topic is challenging and consumes the working memory of students.  Working memory refers to the cognitive apparatus that retains and manipulates the information that people see, hear, sense, or contemplate, such as numbers or words.  This information, when manipulated in working memory, is more likely to be consolidated and integrated with prior knowledge.  Therefore, working memory is central to learning.


Arguably, immersive technologies may diminish the burden on working memory (e.g., Hsu, 2017). That is, when students utilize virtual reality or augmented reality, they do not need to imagine a particular scenario.  Consequently, they can devote working memory to other cognitive activities, such as contemplation and elaboration, enhancing their learning.   


In addition to working memory, immersive technologies may invoke or activate other cognitive operations.  To illustrate, according to constructive learning theory (Huang, et al., 2010), to navigate virtual reality, users need to apply both novel information as well as their entrenched knowledge and skills.  These immersive experiences, therefore, will help students assimilate the knowledge they acquire in a course with the knowledge they have already acquired.  This integration of new and past information, knowledge, and wisdom is central to learning. 


These benefits of immersive technology can be ascribed to some of the unique subjective experiences of virtual reality and augmented reality.  For example, in contrast to many other formats, immersive technology enables students to interact with dangerous or inaccessible objects (Huang et al., 2010) that are realistic and representative of likely events in the future (Merchant et al., 2014) and simple as well as satisfying to use.

Application of immersive technologies: Experiential learning

Virtual reality can offer students the opportunity to learn from experiences that would not otherwise be possible--underpinned by vital features such as vividness and interactivity--features that promote a sense of presence and thus flow. Students demonstrate the benefits of experiential learning when they utilise virtual reality, especially when tactile interactions are embedded (Kwon, 2019).


The experiential learning cycle comprises several modes, such as concrete experiences, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation.  Fromm et al (2019) explored how virtual reality might be relevant to all these modes. To achieve this goal, the researchers first organized three design thinking workshops, comprising interdisciplinary teams of lecturers and students.  These workshops generated three virtual reality prototypes: virtual reality Business Pitch, virtual reality Emergency Team, and virtual reality Classroom Simulator.


Next, focus groups of students were organised to evaluate and improve these prototypes to facilitate each mode of learning. The discussions were designed to clarify how the unique opportunities of virtual reality technology could benefit each phase of the learning cycle.   


The focus groups uncovered several key findings.  For example, students felt the virtual reality must be as realistic as possible as well as interactive rather than passive. In addition, students felt that they should be able to cycle between concrete experience and active experimentation using virtual reality and, later, reflective observation and abstract conceptualization activities in class.  Thus, virtual reality should be more confined to concrete experience and active experimentation of various scenarios and options.  Furthermore, students felt they should be granted opportunities to practice skills in private spaces, such as at home—with nobody watching—before joining other students in a learning space. Hence, individuals should be able to switch between an individual and group learning mode. Finally, students felt that virtual reality should include a gamified feature mainly to promote motivation


Three prototypes were designed. When completing VR Business Pitch, students can practice presenting a business pitch. They are welcomed by a virtual instructor, teleported to a virtual room, and granted an opportunity to present their slides. An intelligent agent dressed like a manager listens and provides live feedback using simulated facial expressions, such as boredom or excitement. The feedback does depend on performance.  When using VR Tweet Emergency teams, students need to analyse tweets and a 3D network model to decide how to allocate emergency forces to an emergency.  Finally, when completing VR Classroom Simulator, students respond to various challenging scenarios in the classroom.  The scenarios were developed from actual recordings of real lessons.  The students are prompted to identify how they would react-using multiple choice. Afterwards, students can enter a shared space to reflect on their experiences together


Emanating from their systematic review of immersive technologies, Radianti et al. (2020) delineated many of the design features that researchers and practitioners embed in virtual reality. For example, in many of these virtual environments, students could explore the environment, manipulate or assemble various objects, reach meaningful choices, receive immediate feedback about these actions, and be awarded various rewards—such as budges or access to concealed information. In some instances, students could even create and upload content to the virtual environment, such as a 3D model.  In many examples, students could interact with each other or with an instructor: they could send text messages or voice messages as well as visit the environments of one another. 


Application of immersive technologies: Other examples

Madison Area Technical College have utilized virtual reality in several disciplines.  For example


  • to teach Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, students immerse themselves in a scenario in which they need to learn how to operate a manifold gauge safely before attempting this gauge in the lab.  Toxic gasses are expelled if students complete this task incorrectly.  Therefore, students need to develop this skill in a virtual environment first

  • to teach health care, students watch a virtual patient experience a cardiac arrest and need to respond appropriately and immediately

Wallace State Community College applied virtual reality to train mechanics, in a program they call Diesel by Distance.  Students observe virtual reality scenes that simulate the experiences of a diesel mechanic.  While immersed in these simulations, students can learn and practice skills in the construction, manufacture, repair, and maintenance of trucks and other vehicles with diesel engines.

At the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology, one instructor utilized Microsoft HoloLens 2 to develop a virtual reality experience in which students walk inside a virtual building and evaluate whether the water and drainage systems fulfills code requirements.  This experience not only enables students to study remotely but also can teach students a range of problems that are too hard to arrange in a physical space.



Because immersive technologies can be expensive, Radianti et al. (2020) recommend that tertiary institutions confine their attention initially to a couple of modules, units, or sequences of classes and perhaps commence with mobile head mounted displays first in which the costs are reasonable.  


Second, teaching staff need to identify suitable apps and collaborators—in industry or education—to develop the content of their virtual reality. At this time, these collaborations are essential, because platforms are not yet available to enable staff who have not developed advanced technology skills to develop their own virtual worlds.



  • Cao, C., & Cerfolio, R. J. (2019). Virtual or augmented reality to enhance surgical education and surgical planning. Thoracic surgery clinics, 29(3), 329-337.

  • Chang, H. Y., Hsu, Y. S., & Wu, H. K. (2016). A comparison study of augmented reality versus interactive simulation technology to support student learning of a socio-scientific issue. Interactive learning environments, 24(6), 1148-1161.

  • Coxon, M., Kelly, N., & Page, S. (2016). Individual differences in virtual reality: Are spatial presence and spatial ability linked?  Virtual Reality, 20(4), 203-212.

  • Delgado, J. M. D., Oyedele, L., Demian, P., & Beach, T. (2020). A research agenda for augmented and virtual reality in architecture, engineering and construction. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 45, 101122.

  • Fabris, C. P., Rathner, J. A., Fong, A. Y., & Sevigny, C. P. (2019). Virtual reality in higher education. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 27(8).

  • Feng, Z., Gonz´alez, V. A., Amor, R., Lovreglio, R., & Cabrera-Guerrero, G. (2018). Immersive virtual reality serious games for evacuation training and research: A systematic literature review. Computers & Education, 127, 252–266.

  • Fortune Business Insights. (2019). Virtual reality market size, share & industry analysis.

  • Fromm, J., Radianti, J., Wehking, C., Stieglitz, S., Majchrzak, T. A., & vom Brocke, J. (2021). More than experience? On the unique opportunities of virtual reality to afford a holistic experiential learning cycle. The Internet and Higher Education, 50.

  • Hansen, C., Wieferich, J., Ritter, F., Rieder, C., & Peitgen, H. O. (2010). Illustrative visualization of 3D planning models for augmented reality in liver surgery. International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery, 5(2), 133-141.

  • Hsu, T. C. (2017). Learning English with augmented reality: Do learning styles matter? Computers & Education, 106, 137-149.

  • Huang, H. M., Rauch, U., & Liaw, S. S. (2010). Investigating learners’ attitudes toward virtual reality learning environments: Based on a constructivist approach. Computers & Education, 55(3), 1171-1182.

  • Hwang, G. J., Wu, P. H., Chen, C. C., & Tu, N. T. (2016). Effects of an augmented reality-based educational game on students' learning achievements and attitudes in real-world observations. Interactive Learning Environments, 24(8), 1895-1906.

  • Ibáñez, M. B., Di-Serio, Á., Villarán-Molina, D., & Delgado-Kloos, C. (2015). Support for augmented reality simulation systems: The effects of scaffolding on learning outcomes and behavior patterns. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 9(1), 46-56.

  • Jin, S. A. A. (2013). The moderating role of sensation seeking tendency in robotic haptic interfaces. Behaviour & Information Technology, 32(9), 862-873.

  • Jong, M. S.-Y., Tsai, C.-C., Xie, H., & Kwan-Kit Wong, F. (2020). Integrating interactive learner-immersed video-based virtual reality into learning and teaching of physical geography. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51, 2063–2078.

  • Khan, T., Johnston, K., & Ophoff, J. (2019). The impact of an augmented reality application on learning motivation of students. Advances in Human-Computer Interaction

  • Kwon, C. (2019). Verification of the possibility and effectiveness of experiential learning using HMD-based immersive VR technologies. Virtual Reality, 23(1), 101-118.

  • Lee, E. A. L., Wong, K. W., & Fung, C. C. (2010). How does desktop virtual reality enhance learning outcomes? A structural equation modeling approach. Computers & Education, 55(4), 1424-1442.

  • Lin, J. H. T. (2017). Fear in virtual reality (VR): Fear elements, coping reactions, immediate and next-day fright responses toward a survival horror zombie virtual reality game. Computers in Human Behavior, 72, 350-361.

  • Lloréns, R., Noé, E., Colomer, C., & Alcañiz, M. (2015). Effectiveness, usability, and cost-benefit of a virtual reality–based telerehabilitation program for balance recovery after stroke: A randomized controlled trial. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, 96(3), 418-425.

  • Loup-Escande, E., Frenoy, R., Poplimont, G., Thouvenin, I., Gapenne, O., & Megalakaki, O. (2017). Contributions of mixed reality in a calligraphy learning task: Effects of supplementary visual feedback and expertise on cognitive load, user experience and gestural performance. Computers in Human Behavior, 75, 42-49.

  • Madary, M., & Metzinger, T. K. (2016). Real virtuality: A code of ethical conduct. Recommendations for good scientific practice and the consumers of VR-technology. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 3

  • Merchant, Z., Goetz, E. T., Cifuentes, L., Keeney-Kennicutt, W., & Davis, T. J. (2014). Effectiveness of virtual reality-based instruction on students' learning outcomes in K-12 and higher education: A meta-analysis. Computers & Education, 70, 29-40.

  • Munafo, J., Diedrick, M., & Stoffregen, T. A. (2017). The virtual reality head-mounted display Oculus Rift induces motion sickness and is sexist in its effects. Experimental brain research, 235(3), 889-901.

  • Nicolaidou, I., Pissas, P., & Boglou, D. (2021). Comparing immersive Virtual Reality to mobile applications in foreign language learning in higher education: a quasi-experiment. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-15.

  • Radianti, J., Majchrzak, T. A., Fromm, J., & Wohlgenannt, I. (2020). A systematic review of immersive virtual reality applications for higher education: Design elements, lessons learned, and research agenda. Computers & Education, 147, 103778

  • Radianti, J., Majchrzak, T. A., Fromm, J., & Wohlgenannt, I. (2020). A systematic review of immersive virtual reality applications for higher education: Design elements, lessons learned, and research agenda. Computers & Education, 147.

  • Radkowski, R., Herrema, J., & Oliver, J. (2015). Augmented reality-based manual assembly support with visual features for different degrees of difficulty. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 31, 337-349.

  • Su, C. H., & Cheng, T. W. (2019). A sustainability innovation experiential learning model for virtual reality chemistry laboratory: An empirical study with PLS-SEM and IPMA. Sustainability, 11(4), 1027.

  • Suh, A., & Prophet, J. (2018). The state of immersive technology research: A literature analysis. Computers in Human Behavior, 86, 77–90

  • Von der Pütten, A. M., Klatt, J., Ten Broeke, S., McCall, R., Krämer, N. C., Wetzel, R., ... & Klatt, J. (2012). Subjective and behavioral presence measurement and interactivity in the collaborative augmented reality game TimeWarp. Interacting with computers, 24(4), 317-325.

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Holographic technology in tertiary education


For several decades, tertiary education institutions have used virtual reality and augmented reality to engage students and to facilitate learning.  Although invented before virtual reality and augmented reality, these institutions have seldom used holographic technology until more recently (for a scoping review, see Yoo et al., 2022; see also Ramachandiran et al., 2019).  To appreciate the differences between these technologies,


  • virtual reality tends to encompass technologies in which students wear a headset and can then observe and navigate a contrived 3D environment (Golden, 2017); students can see and manipulate this virtual environment but not their actual surroundings

  • augmented reality tends to encompass technologies that superimpose images, often in 3D, onto actual objects or surfaces (Elmahal et al., 2020); students cannot manipulate the actual images—but can sometimes use a controller, such as their smartphone, to modify these images

  • holograms refer to virtual images that can be visible and seem to float in midair (Elmahal et al., 2020).  In some instances, students can see these virtual images, holograms, without a headset.  The students may be able to manipulate these images with their hands or with actual tools.   


Holograms preceded virtual reality and augmented reality chronologically.  The reason is that virtual reality and augmented reality were reliant on technology, such as 3D glasses, a head mounted display, or a smart phone programming, whereas holograms were reliant on devices, lights, and physics.  Students who can access holographic technology, rather than virtual reality or augmented reality, can experience some benefits:


  • in some instances, if students are granted access to holographic technology, they might be able to manipulate some virtual image with their hands or tools.  For example, they might be able to use actual medical instruments to manipulate a holographic image of a wound

  • when students are immersed in virtual reality, they often need to wear uncomfortable headsets—headsets that obscure their actual surroundings; when students use holographic technology, they might wear lighter goggles or sometimes no headset at all.  


History of holography

Holography is a technique that enables users to record a wavefront—such as a visual image—and then reconstruct this wavefront.  In this sense, holography is like a sound recording, but applied to the visual sense.  In practice, scientists most often use holography to generate 3D visual images, sometimes without the use of 3D glasses. 


Initially, holograms were confined to science labs. Dennis Gabor won the Nobel Prize in 1971 to recognize his invention of the hologram in the 1940s (Gabor, 1948).  While developing electron microscopes, he had discovered the hologram accidentally (Elmahal et al., 2020).  At this time, holograms were confined to electron microscopes.


Scientists then learned to use laser illumination to generate holograms (e.g., Leith & Upatnieks, 1962).  Leith and Upatnieks (1962) were able to convert a photo of a toy train and bird to a 3D image.  But this image depended on laser to illuminate this hologram.


Several years later, inventors learned to use white light, instead of laser, to generate holograms (see Leith, 1976).  These holograms were not reliant on laser and thus could be used in a wider variety of settings. For example, Benton (1969) developed the rainbow hologram.  This technology uses a horizontal slit to eliminate vertical parallax in the image—a technique that diminishes spectral blur while preserving the illusion of a 3D image.  Lloyd Cross then combined the use of white light to generate holograms with cinematography to produce moving 3D images, called integral holograms (see Elmahal et al., 2020).


A more recent variant, called a digital hologram, generates static 3D images, without glasses, sometimes called autostereoscopic holograms.  Each 3D image comprises many holographic elements or hogels—analogous to pixels or voxels.  The size of each hogel is usually about 1mm and may contain up to a million distinct perspectives or views.  Therefore, the viewer can observe the object from many different perspectives. 


Benefits of holography to tertiary education: Reduced load on working memory

In many disciplines, students need to convert 2D photographs of objects or settings, such as a human brain, into a 3D mental image.  This translation of 2D pictures into 3D mental images demands significant working memory (Hackett, 2013)—a cognitive resource that is limited in capacity.  Accordingly, when individuals translate of 2D pictures into 3D mental images, inadequate cognitive resources are available to contemplate the information they learn.  That is, students are unable to think about the information they read or hear carefully.  They cannot integrate this material with knowledge they have acquired previously.  Their learning, therefore, is compromised.


Holographic images can circumvent this problem.  For example, medical instructors can use the technology of holography to present 3D images of relevant objects, such as the human brain. 


Hackett (2013) conducted a study to assess whether these 3D images do indeed diminish the burden on working memory.  To learn medical information, students either observed 3D images, produced by holography, or scrutinized textbook handouts.  When students were exposed to 3D images, their learning improved and they could also complete other concurrent tasks more effectively—suggesting these images did indeed diminish the burden on working memory.  All the students could see the 3D images, and no students experienced eye strain or other challenges. 


Benefits of holography to tertiary education: Teacher presence

Many students need to study remotely, at some distance from their institution.  These students will often use videoconference technology, such as Zoom, to watch their teachers online.  However, some institutions utilize holographic technology, enabling these students to watch a hologram of their teacher instead, usually in a specific auditorium.  That is, the teachers might speak in one location.  A holographic representation of this teacher is then projected to another location.


As some research has shown, holographic technology may benefit students more than traditional videoconference technology.  In one study, conducted by Li and Lefevre (2020), students attended a seminar.  They could watch speakers on Zoom and holographic representations of speakers in the auditorium.  These holographic representations were life size and three dimensional. The remote presenters could seemingly maintain eye contact with the audience and point to the audience as well.


The students experienced a greater sense of teacher presence towards the holographic presenters than towards the videoconference presenters.  That is, students felt closer to the hologram than to the videoconference image—and teacher presence has been shown to promote engagement and learning.  Indeed, students indicated they felt more engaged when they observed the hologram. 


Admittedly, these findings could be ascribed to the novelty of holograms, and thus further research is warranted to ascertain whether these findings are sustainable.   Furthermore, other differences between the holographic presenters and videoconference presenters could explain this pattern of findings, such as the projected size of these speakers.   


Benefits of holography to tertiary education: Flow and motivation

Some research indicates that holographic experiences may be more likely than traditional classroom activities to instill a sense of flow—in which students feel entirely absorbed in their task.  One pivotal study was conducted by Paredes and Vázquez (2020).  The participants comprised 311 physics students, enrolled in a Bachelor degree in Mexico.  All the students attended traditional classes in which a teacher presented the material in person.  But about 141 of the 311 students were also exposed to ten sessions of in which a holographic teacher presented some of the material.  That is, in these sessions, the students, while sitting in class, watched a holographic image of their teacher. 


After the sessions, students completed measures that assessed their experience of the classes.  The instruments measured flow—or the extent to which students felt their concentration was immersed in the words of this teacher—as well as other consequences, such as engagement and performance.  Students also participated in interviews, designed to characterize these experiences in more depth. 


Student grades did not differ significantly between the two sets of students.  This finding is still informative, suggesting that teachers may be as effective even if they teach remoted and projected only holographically.  Similarly, the degree to which students felt engaged in the class did not differ between the two sets of students.   Indeed, the holographic images did increase the likelihood that students would report a flow state. 


Similarly, Gnanasegaram et al. (2020) revealed that holographic images can promote motivation. In this a study, participants were exposed to didactic teaching, computer simulations, or holographic experiences to learn about the middle and inner ear.  Relative to the other students, participants who were exposed to holographic experiences reported greater motivation and engagement as well as more confidence in their understanding of the spatial relationships between various features of the ear.  However, anatomical knowledge, as measured by a test, did not depend on whether the students were exposed to didactic teaching, computer simulations, or holographic experiences.  This pattern is not uncommon: holographic experiences often promote flow, engagement, motivation, or enjoyment but these benefits do not always translate to better grades.  


Benefits of holography to tertiary education: Student experience

Research has shown that students often value their interactions with holographic technology.  Golden (2017), for example, surveyed 13 medical students and interviewed 4 medical students who had been granted opportunities to use 3D holograms in their studies.  Although students were excited by the prospect of holograms, enjoyed the experience, and perceived this interaction as more valuable than a textbook, they did report some challenges while interacting with this technology. 


For example, the experience of students was slightly marred by technological faults.  Occasionally, labels or annotations did not appear or disappeared. In addition, students would have preferred the technology if


  • they could access the technology at any time, beyond office hours

  • they could press a button to activate or deactivate labels or annotations

  • they could view more than one object at a time to compare these objects

  • a quiz or gamified feature was added to the object


Application of holograms: zSpace

To generate holograms, educators and institutions can utilize the services of many technology providers (see Elmahal et al., 2020, for a discussion of the features and variants of the necessary hardware and software).  One example is zSpace, who specialize in interactive hardware and software tools.  Although their primary clients are medical, research, biotechnology, engineering, manufacturing, and government organizations (zSpace, Inc., 2016), education institutions can purchase zSpace tools to generate 3D holographic images and to enable students to interact with these images. To illustrate, one of their tools, zSpace EnSight®, developed in partnership with Computational Engineering International, enables auto mechanics students to fully immerse in the components of vehicles they need to manipulate.


Application of holograms in tertiary education: Examples

Holographic technology has only recently been embedded in tertiary education.  For example


  • the National University of Singapore project holographic images onto latex body parts to enable medical and nursing students to practice various procedures

  • similarly, at Queen's University, Ontario, medical students can practice suturing with holography-augmented technology (Lemke et al., 2020)

  • the London Imperial College Business School arranged a holographic conference, in which the image of guest speakers, located in various studios around the globe, appeared as 3D holographic objects in an auditorium (Pates, 2020). 



  • Benton, S. A. (1969). Hologram reconstruction with extended incoherent sources.  Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 59, 1545.

  • Elmahal, D. M., Ahmad, A. S., Alomaier, A. T., Abdlfatah, R. F., & Hussein, D. M. (2020). Comparative study between Hologram technology and Augmented Reality. Journal of Information Technology Management, 12(2), 90-106.

  • Gabor, D. (1948). A new microscopic principle. Nature, 161(4098), 777-778.

  • Gnanasegaram, J. J., Leung, R., & Beyea, J. A. (2020). Evaluating the effectiveness of learning ear anatomy using holographic models. Journal of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, 49(1), 1–9.

  • Golden, S. A. (2017). Augmented 3D holograms in higher education, increasing students' learning outcome scores: a mixed methods study (Doctoral dissertation, Keiser University).

  • Guo, Z., Tai, Y., Qin, Z., Huang, X., Li, Q., Peng, J., & Shi, J. (2020). Development and assessment of a haptic-enabled holographic surgical simulator for renal biopsy training. Soft Computing, 24(8), 5783–5794

  • Hackett, M. (2013). Medical holography for basic anatomy training. Army Research Lab Orlando FL.

  • Hackett, M., & Proctor, M. (2018). The effect of autostereoscopic holograms on anatomical knowledge: A randomised trial. Medical Education, 52(11), 1147–1155.

  • Haleem, A., Javaid, M., & Khan, I. (2020). Holography applications toward medical field: An overview. Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging, 30(3), 354–361

  • Hauze, S. W., Hoyt, H. H., Frazee, J. P., Greiner, P. A., & Marshall, J. M. (2019). Enhancing nursing education through affordable and realistic holographic mixed-reality: The virtual standardized patient for clinical simulation. Advances in Experimental Medicine & Biology, 1120, 1–13. h

  • Leith, E. N. (1976). White-light holograms. Scientific American, 235, 80-88

  • Leith, E. N., & Upatnieks, J. (1962). Reconstructed wavefronts and communication theory. JOSA, 52(10), 1123-1128.

  • Lemke, M., Lia, H., Gabinet-Equihua, A., Sheahan, G., Winthrop, A., Mann, S., Fichtinger, G., & Zevin, B. (2020). Optimizing resource utilization during proficiency-based training of suturing skills in medical students: A randomized controlled trial of faculty-led, peer tutor-led, and holography-augmented methods of teaching. Surgical Endoscopy, 34(4), 1678–1687

  • Li, N., & Lefevre, D. (2020). Holographic teaching presence: participant experiences of interactive synchronous seminars delivered via holographic videoconferencing. Research in Learning Technology, 28, 1–13.

  • Orcos, L., Jordan, C., & Magrenan, A. (2019). 3D visualization through the hologram for the learning of area and volume concepts. Mathematics, 7(3), 1–20.

  • Orcos, L., & Magrenan, A. (2018). The hologram as a teaching medium for the acquisition of STEM contents. International Journal of Learning Technology, 13(2), 163–177

  • Paredes, S. G., & Vázquez, N. R. (2020). Is holographic teaching an educational innovation? International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 14(4), 1321-1336.

  • Paredes, S. G., & Vázquez, N. R. (2019, March). My teacher is a hologram: Measuring innovative STEM learning experiences. In 2019 IEEE Integrated STEM Education Conference (ISEC) (pp. 332-337). IEEE.

  • Pates, D. (2020). The holographic academic: Rethinking telepresence in higher education. In Emerging technologies and pedagogies in the curriculum (pp. 215-230). Springer, Singapore.

  • Ramachandiran, C. R., Chong, M. M., & Subramanian, P. (2019). 3D hologram in futuristic classroom: A review. Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 7(2), 580–586

  • Salançon, E., & Escarguel, A. (2019). Holography in education and popular science: A new versatile and vibrationless color device. European Journal of Physics, 40(1)

  • Wojcik, M. (2018). Holograms in libraries – the potential for education, promotion and services. Library Hi Tech, 36(1), 18–28.

  • Yoo, H., Jang, J., Oh, H., & Park, I. (2022). The potentials and trends of holography in education: A scoping review. Computers and Education, 186.

  • Zaghloul, H. S. (2020). An exploratory study on the use of 3d hologram visualization in Egypt’s educational theater. International Journal of Education and Information Technologies, 14, 31–44

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Wearable technologies in tertiary education


In recent years, wearable technologies have become increasingly ubiquitous.  Wearable technologies are computer devices that users wear.  These technologies are sometimes referred to as fashnology, because they can be regarded both as fashion accessories as well as useful technologies (Rauschnabel et al., 2016). Common examples of wearable technology include


  • wristbands, such as Fitbit, Nike+, Misfit and Jawbone

  • smart watches, such as Apple and Garmin

  • smart glasses or headsets, such as Oculus Rift, Google Glasses, and Google Cardboard

  • smart clothing to measure physiological changes and other attributes, such as Althos and Tsensio

  • mobile cameras, such as GoPro

  • other technologies, such as Samsung Gear, AMD Sulon, Meta One, Microsoft HoloLens, and Epson Moverio.


According to the wearable technology database, available at, companies now produce about 431 wearable devices.  And, since the early 2000s, many practitioners have utilized these technologies to facilitate education or research—although usually outside tertiary education institutions.  For example,


  • Yamauchi and Nakasugi (2003) described a wearable computer that teaches users the historical events that have unfolded in specific locations.  That is, when users walk to a specific location, they can observe incidents that happened at this spot on a transparent display, as though watching these events

  • Colella (2000) described wearable computers, called Thinking Tags, that enable students to participate in simulations—like fictional worlds.  The students complete a range of activities in these fictional worlds that are relevant to their studies.  


Introduction: A case study

Many students, enrolled in sciences, develop extensive theoretical knowledge but have not developed the capacity to use apparatus in the laboratory effectively. To impart laboratory skills to students, many educators depend on videos, rather than demonstrate these skills in the laboratory.  Yet, two problems impede the utility of videos


First, many educators cannot readily develop effective videos that demonstrate laboratory skills.   These individuals may not have developed the skill to position the cameras appropriately.  The camera equipment, including the tripods, may disrupt the lab and compromise health and safety.  Admittedly, educators could engage a production team, but the costs might be too steep.   


Second, students who merely watch a video passively seldom learn vital skills.  To be effective, students need to interact with the video or actively participate.  They might, for example, need to answer questions correctly or complete some other activity before the video proceeds.   


Devine et al. (2015) explored how wearable camera technologies could be used to complement these videos and expedite the production of these videos.  Specifically, the lecturer utilized wearable camera technologies to teach students ELISA—an immunological assay commonly, designed to measure levels of proteins, glycoproteins, antibodies, and antigens in biological samples.   The lecturer used a Panasonic HX-A100 camera that is mounted on the head, activated and deactivated by merely pressing a button.  After outlining the objective of this procedure, the lecturer filmed each step of the assay, such as adding the reagents, but explained rather than filmed activities that consume time, such as incubation, and deleted repetitive steps.


To engage students, after several minutes, students needed to answer a question that appeared on the video before they could proceed.  The lecturer used Articulate Storyline software to embed this question.  If students answered the question incorrectly, they received a pdf document they could read to address their misconception.  The video lasted about 10 minutes


To evaluate this tool, students and demonstrators completed a survey. Over 97% of the participants indicated they would like to access videos of this kind before the practical sessions.  Many of these individuals referred to the benefit of watching the video from the perspective of this lecturer.  This perspective is especially likely to engage students.  Over 90% also valued the question that was embedded in the video—although one participant would have preferred the question towards the end.


Conditions or circumstances that affect the uptake of wearable technologies: Determinants of convenience and utility

Despite the benefits of wearable technologies, tertiary education institutions have only gradually embedded these tools in the curriculum.  Accordingly, studies have also explored the impediments to this uptake of wearable technologies


As the technology acceptance model assumes, staff and students in tertiary education institutions are, unsurprisingly, more likely to embrace technologies that seem useful and simple to use.  Al-Maroof et al. (2021) explored the conditions and circumstances that increase the extent to which educators and students perceive Google Glass as useful and simple to use—and whether these attributes do indeed foster the uptake of this technology.  To conduct this study, 968 university students, living in the Gulf area, completed a survey.  The questions assessed


  • the likelihood that students will adopt Google Glasses in the future

  • the extent to which Google Glasses is simple to use

  • the degree to which Google Glasses is useful—and, in particular, helps achieve better grades and improve their studies

  • the extent to which Google Glasses is trustworthy and maintains privacy of the data

  • the functionality of Google Glasses, such as the degree to which the technology saves times, enables students to study with their hands free, and records classes

  • the degree to which students felt motivated to study while using Google Glasses.


As structural equation modeling revealed, students unsurprisingly indicated they would be more likely to adopt Google Glasses if the technology is simple to use and useful to their studies.  Both of these attributes—simplicity and utility—depended on whether Google Glasses is functional, trustworthy, maintains privacy of the data, and inspires the motivation to study. 


Conditions or circumstances that affect the uptake of wearable technologies: Other considerations

Because the study that Al-Maroof et al. (2021) conducted was quantitative, other possible conditions or circumstances that inspire staff or students to embrace wearable technologies may have been overlooked.  Adapa et al. (2018), instead, conducted a qualitative study to uncover the conditions and circumstances that promote or inhibit the tendency of tertiary education students and institutions to adopt wearable technologies—specifically smart watches and smart glasses, such as Google Glass.   The researchers conducted interviews with students and staff at a research university in America.  To uncover the needs and concerns that individuals consider when deciding whether to adopt wearable technology, the researchers applied the laddering methodology.  This methodology is designed to identify the consequence of some attribute or feature of wearable technology and then to ascertain the value that is attached to this consequence. 


Specifically, participants first watched a video that demonstrated the use and functionality of either a smart watch or smart glasses.  The researcher then demonstrated the technology and then granted participants an opportunity to experiment with this product.  Next, participants were prompted to identify three reasons they would adopt and three reasons they would not adopt the technology.  The same procedure was then applied to the other wearable technology.  These questions are designed to identify the key consequences of wearable technology.


To identify the attributes that shape decisions, participants next completed triadic sorting in which they receive three cards, displaying a smart watch, Google Glass, and smartphone respectively.  The individuals were asked to identify how two of the devices are different to the third device.  Second, participants arranged the pictures from most likely to adopt to least likely to adopt—and then justified this arrangement.   These two procedures uncovered the attributes that affect decisions on whether to adopt these technologies.  Participants rated these attributes on a five-point scale, from not at all important to extremely important.  To complete the laddering approach, the researcher prompted the participants to indicate why each consideration was important, until they specified a value that justifies this consideration.   


These interviews uncovered several considerations that might inhibit the tendency of students to embrace smart watches, such as distracting notifications, excessive weight, limited battery life, excessive cost, or violations of privacy.  Staff identified similar, but slightly different, concerns.  Likewise, the interviews unearthed several considerations that might inhibit the tendency of students to embrace smart glasses, including heat of the battery, limited battery life, limited familiarity with the product, and the excessive cost. 


Likewise, these interviews uncovered several considerations that might encourage students to embrace, rather than to reject, smart watches, such as GPS, the capacity to complete tasks while their hands are free, social media apps, the engaging interface, the novelty, and the fitness apps.  Finally, these interviews uncovered several considerations that might encourage students to embrace Google Glass, including voice recognition accuracy, the compatibility with other devices, as well as the attributes that correspond to the smart watches.


The researchers also uncovered the consequences or benefits of each attribute—as well the values that underpin these consequences.  To illustrate


  • the GPS and extensive battery life were assumed to save time—corresponding to a value around family, because individuals could dedicate more time to their family members

  • several values, such as health, value for money, the need to belong, a positive image, health, and passion underpinned the various consequences.


Potential uses of wearable technology: An overview

Although Adapa et al. (2018) identified some of the attributes of wearable technologies that could encourage adoption, this research did not clarify how these technologies could facilitate education or research.  Other scholars, however, have considered some of the potential benefits of wearable technologies to the classroom. 


Bower and Sturman (2015) conducted a qualitative study to explore the potential benefits, as well as possible complications, of wearable technologies in tertiary education.   They collected insights from 214 specialists in higher education, who were members of scholarly organizations, such as the International Forum of Educational Technology and Society.  Specifically, a survey prompted these participants to consider how wearable technologies, such as Google Glass or Oculus Rift, could benefit university teaching and learning as well as expedite or facilitate the productivity of educators.  In addition, these participants contemplated some of the potential complications of these technologies.  The data were subjected to open or initial coding, axial coding, or attempts to understand the themes and relationships between themes, and selective coding, designed to choose representative examples. 


The participants revealed 14 main affordances or features of wearable technologies that could benefit educators and students.  The majority of participants alluded to three of these affordances:  


  • wearable technologies can impart additional information about the task that students are completing or the setting in which they are located—such as subtitles of foreign conversations in their vicinity or instructions about an appliance they are using

  • wearable technologies can record the actions and behaviors of students—such as while on placement—that could be used to deliver feedback or to assess performance

  • wearable technologies enable students to experience various simulations, in a safe location, such as tour a medieval village or complete a surgical procedure.


But many other features of wearable technologies may benefit educators and students.  For example


  • wearable technologies may facilitate communication between students and between students and teachers; for example, students might be able to use gestures, rather than voice, to communicate unobtrusively—necessary in particular settings

  • wearable technologies can sometimes capture the attention of students; for example, when the attention of students wanders, as identified by these technologies, relevant messages could appear in their visual field on a mounted display

  • wearable technologies enable students or educators to complete activities, such as activate some tool, with a gesture that does not involve their hands; their hands can thus be reserved to complete other activities

  • wearable technologies can also facilitate virtual reality and gamification—and thus generate the benefits that coincide with these advances.


Despite these benefits, participants also referred to a range of possible complications or issues that institutions may need to consider with sensitivity.  For instance


  • privacy may need to be considered, because wearable technologies may record footage that compromises the privacy of individuals in the scene

  • wearable technologies, at the time of this study, tend to be expensive relative to mobile devices—and may not be affordable to all students, compromising equity

  • wearable technologies may increase the likelihood that students are exposed to extraneous or distracting information

  • institutions may need to accommodate potential technical complications, such a limited network connectivity as well as limitations because of proprietary apps, battery autonomy, and other matters

  • not enough staff at institutions may have developed the skills to utilize and to manage wearable technologies effectively

  • wearable technologies might facilitate unobtrusive communication between students and, potentially, increase their capacity to cheat

  • wearable technologies might enable students to record unpleasant interactions with staff and then to utilize these recordings to complain—potentially impeding future interactions

  • students might depend too heavily on wearable technologies to reach decisions, compromising independent thinking

  • educators may orient their attention unduly to wearable technologies, perhaps to the detriment of careful analysis of pedagogy and learning design


Potential uses of wearable technology: Evaluation of teaching practices

Some researchers and scholars have discussed, in more detail, how wearable technologies could benefit tertiary education. For example, educators could utilize wearable technologies to monitor the effects of their teaching practices instantly—and then to shift these practices whenever necessary.  To illustrate, as Ezenwoke et al. (2016) suggest, some wearable technologies can monitor the emotions of students in a classroom.  Google GLASS, when coupled with Affectiva Q Sensor, can potentially combine information from the facial expressions and activation of the sympathetic nervous system of users to monitor their emotions.  This information can be directed to educators unobtrusively, such as appear on visual, transparent displays, such as Google GLASS.   Educators can then utilize this information to determine


  • which of their behaviors and practices foster beneficial emotions, such as curiosity and interest rather than boredom or anxiety

  • which candidates might be experiencing acute negative emotions, prompting these educators to intervene discreetly if necessary


Potential uses of wearable technology: Evaluation of study practices

Wearable technologies can also enhance the meta-cognitive skills of students.  That is, students may learn how to enhance their capacity to study and to concentrate effectively.  To illustrate, as Ezenwoke et al. (2016) proposed, educators might encourage students to wear sensory wristbands, such as XOX, that collect physiological data—such as levels of sweat.  This information is transmitted to XOX servers that utilize algorithms to identify the likely emotional states of students.         


Students could then receive information about their emotional state, such as moments in which they felt interested rather than bored.  They could learn which activities tended to enhance their interest and curiosity.  They could also learn about the effect of these emotions on their learning and performance.   Students could apply these insights to modify the strategies they adopt to motivate themselves and to improve their concentration.     


Potential uses of wearable technology: Safety and risk management

Wearable technology may also benefit risk management.  For example, as Attallah and Ilagure (2018) suggested, wearable technology, such as smart jewelry or smart watches, can be used to monitor researchers or students in hazardous circumstances—such as remote locations or dangerous laboratories.  The wearable technology could monitor, for example, the levels of hydration or the heart and breathing rate of wearers.  If these levels are concerning, such as if the levels of hydration are low, the individuals or their supervisors could receive an alert. 


Potential uses of wearable technology: Utility and feasibility of these uses

Although the potential benefits of wearable technology to tertiary education are enormous, some of these uses may not be valuable enough to warrant the costs or feasible.  To ascertain which features of wearable technologies may be most useful and feasible, Bower et a. (2016) surveyed 202 specialists in higher education.  Participants were primarily members of scholarly organizations, such as Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia, the Association for Learning Technology UK, or the International Forum of Educational Technology and Society.  The survey comprised eight possible uses of wearable technology—such as the capacity to rapidly access references, stored data, and information from the internet during classes.  Participants indicated the degree to which each use was useful and feasible on a five-point scale.  The participants could also insert written comments to clarify or to justify their responses.  


The average degree to which these participants deemed the various uses of wearable technology as useful ranged from 4.55 out of 5 to 3.30 out of 5.  Specifically, the various uses, from most useful to least useful, were


  • offering wearable technologies to students with sight or hearing limitations so that they can receive live audio or text translation during conversations or videos: average = 4.55

  • demonstrations for remote students, such as videos of a specialist completing some task, from the perspective of this specialist: average = 4.36

  • simulations or demonstrates of activities that would otherwise be hazardous to students: average = 4.30

  • enabling remote students to participate in live classroom sessions: average = 4.10

  • the capacity to rapidly access references, stored data, and information from the internet during classes: average = 3.87

  • inviting students to wear Google Glasses or similar devices during placements so they can receive immediate, discreet advice from university staff: average = 3.70

  • the ability of teachers to use voice commands or other unobtrusive gestures to control slides during lectures: average = 3.48

  • the capacity of students to text questions during classes—in which these questions would then appear the visual field of teachers: average = 3.30


Nevertheless, the participants tended to perceive most of these uses as only moderately feasible. The average feasibility of each use ranged from 3.17 to 3.82.  Specifically


  • inviting students to wear Google Glasses or similar devices during placements so they can receive immediate, discreet advice from university staff was considered the least feasible

  • the capacity to rapidly access references, stored data, and information from the internet during classes was considered the most feasible


The main impediments that participants cited revolved around cost, equity, technological limitations, such as interface with existing systems, concerns the technology may be disruptive, potential breaches of privacy, and resistance to change.



  • Adapa, A., Nah, F. F.-H., Hall, R. H., Siau, K., & Smith, S. N. (2018). Factors influencing the adoption of smart wearable devices. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 34(5), 399–409.

  • Al-Maroof, R. S., Alfaisal, A. M., & Salloum, S. A. (2021). Google glass adoption in the educational environment: A case study in the Gulf area. Education and Information Technologies, 26(3), 2477-2500.

  • Alvarez, V., Bower, M., de Freitas, S., Gregory, S., & De Wit, B. (2016). The use of wearable technologies in Australian universities: Examples from environmental science, cognitive and brain sciences and teacher training. Mobile learning futures–sustaining quality research and practice in mobile learning, 25.

  • Attallah, B., & Ilagure, Z. (2018). Wearable technology: Facilitating or complexing education. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 8(6), 433-436.

  • Bower, M., & Sturman, D. (2015). What are the educational affordances of wearable technologies? Computers & Education, 88, 343-353.

  • Borthwick, A. C., Anderson, C. L., Finsness, E. S., & Foulger, T. S. (2015). Special article personal wearable technologies in education: Value or villain? Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 31(3), 85-92.

  • Bower, M., Sturman, D., & Alvarez, V. (2016). Perceived utility and feasibility of wearable technologies in higher education. Mobile Learning Futures–Sustaining Quality Research and Practice in Mobile Learning, 49.

  • Coffman, T., & Klinger, M. B. (2015). Google glass: Using wearable technologies to enhance teaching and learning. In Society for information technology & teacher education international conference (pp. 1777-1780). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

  • Colella, V. (2000). Participatory simulations: Building collaborative understanding through immersive dynamic modeling. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 9(4), 471-500.

  • Devine, T., Gormley, C., & Doyle, P. (2015). Lights, camera, action: Using wearable camera and interactive video technologies for the teaching & assessment of lab experiments. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 23(2).

  • Ezenwoke, A., Ezenwoke, O., Adewumi, A., & Omoregbe, N. (2016). Wearable technology: Opportunities and challenges for teaching and learning in higher education in developing countries. INTED2016 Proceedings, 1872-1879.

  • Macdonald, J. C. (2015). A review studying wearable technology and augmented reality as it may apply to teaching and learning.

  • Rauschnabel, P. A., Hein, D. W. E., He, J., Ro, Y. K., Rawashdeh, S., & Krulikowski, B. (2016). Fashion or technology? A fashnology perspective on the perception and adoption of augmented reality smart glasses. Journal of Interactive Media, 15(2), 179–194.

  • Rogers, Y., Price, S., Harris, E., Phelps, T., Underwood, M., Wilde, D., ... & Michaelides, D. (2002). Learning through digitally-augmented physical experiences: Reflections on the Ambient Wood project. Equator IRC.

  • Swathi, T. N., & Lanka, S. (2015). Wearable technology a new paradigm in Educational Universities. International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, 7(4), 48-52.

  • Yamauchi, Y., & Nakasugi, H. (2003). Past Viewer: Development of wearable learning system. In World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Honolulu, Hawaii, 22-28.

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Bichronous online learning: How to combine asynchronous & synchronous learning


Although escalating before COVID-19, the percentage of courses that can be completed online burgeoned since the pandemic began.  In many of these online courses, students complete a range of activities together.  They might all watch a presentation at the same time.  They might all deploy chat boxes, videoconference, or other formats to contribute towards a live discussion.  Or they might simultaneously participate in an online workshop.  Because many students complete these activities at the same time, this arrangement is called synchronous or live. 


Yet, in most online courses, students complete some of the activities is isolation of their peers.  They might, for example, watch videos that had been uploaded to their learning management system, such as Moodle, Edmodo, Blackboard, SumTotal, and Skillsoft.  They might complete learning activities, such as analyze a case study or reflect on a personal experience, at a time they prefer.  Because students do not complete these activities together at the same time, this arrangement is called asynchronous.


In some online courses, most if not all the learning activities are asynchronous.  In many online courses, however, students will complete a combination of synchronous activities and asynchronous tasks—sometimes called bichronous learning (Martin et al., 2023).  To blend asynchronous and synchronous opportunities, educators need to resolve a range of issues and questions, such as


  • which activities should be synchronous and which activities should be asynchronous

  • to what extent should students be able to choose which activities they need to complete synchronously

  • how should the asynchronous and synchronous be integrated

  • how should the asynchronous and synchronous be facilitated

  • which assessments should be synchronous rather than asynchronous?


Which activities should be synchronous and asynchronous? Preferences of students  

Which activities should be synchronous and asynchronous remains a contentious matter.  That is, educators have not reached consensus on


  • the proportion of learning activities that should be synchronous

  • which of these activities should be synchronous, or

  • the circumstances that affect which activities that should be synchronous


The proportion of learning activities that should be synchronous should, arguably, depend on the preferences of students.  Accordingly, some research has explored which of these arrangements students tend to prefer.  At least some research has revealed that students often prefer asynchronous learning. 


For example, in a study that Buxton (2014) reported, 82 pharmacy students were enrolled in one of two courses: an asynchronous online course, in which the material was uploaded on a course site, or a synchronous online course, in which the instructors presented live webinars.  Each option comprised eight lectures. As the findings revealed, the students, in general, were more satisfied with the asynchronous course than with the synchronous course.


Yet, a few isolated studies are not sufficient to ascertain the preferences of students in diverse settings. That is, whether students tend to prefer asynchronous or synchronous activities might vary considerably across circumstances.  Accordingly, Beyth-Marom et al. (2005) explored the characteristics of student that might affect these preferences.


These researchers conducted a study to explore the inclinations of students that predict whether they prefer asynchronous and synchronous activities.  Two cohorts of students participated in a study.  Half the participants completed a course, comprising seven tutorials, presented synchronously. The other participants completed the same course, except four of these tutorials were presented asynchronously.  All participants also completed a questionnaire that gauges their attitudes towards the tutorials and tutor as well as the perceived benefits of interacting with peers.  Finally, these individuals completed the Learning Habit Inclinations Questionnaire or LHIQ.  This measure assesses four inclinations that vary across students:


  • preferred autonomy over time management, such as “My learning is more efficient when I am responsible for my pace of learning”

  • preferred ease of accessibility, referring to the degree to which students prefer to possess the learning materials or at least can access these learning materials indefinitely

  • the degree to which students value the collaboration, support, exchange of knowledge, and other positive features of interactions

  • the degree to which students are unconcerned about the disagreement, distractions, or other negative features of interactions. 


As the results showed, responses to the LHIQ did predict attitudes to asynchronous and synchronous activities.  For example, and as hypothesized


  • if participants greatly valued autonomy over time management and unmitigated access to learning materials, they preferred asynchronous activities

  • if participants greatly valued the positive features of interactions, they preferred synchronous activities


Therefore, to design a suitable blend of asynchronous and synchronous activities, educators could first measure the preferences of each cohort.  Students might answer questions around the degree to which they like to control the pace of their learning, would like to be able to access these learning materials indefinitely, and value collaboration, support, exchange of knowledge, and other positive features of interactions.  If most of the students like to control the pace of their learning and would like to be able to access these learning materials indefinitely, most of the learning materials should be available asynchronously—such as videos of past classes that students can watch any time. If most of the students value the collaboration, support, exchange of knowledge, and other positive features of interactions, the educator should encourage students to attend more synchronous activities, such as live online classes. 


Nevertheless, because these preferences vary, whenever possible, students should be granted significance choice over the degree to which they can learn the materials asynchronously or synchronously (Beyth-Marom et al., 2005).  This goal, however, may culminate in a tension—a tension between the need to permit choice as to whether students attend a synchronous activity, such as a discussion and the need to inspire enough students to attend this activity.  If not enough students attend, the benefits of this synchronous activity, such as a discussion, might abate.  


Which activities should be synchronous and asynchronous? Effects on learning

The decision on whether activities should be synchronous or asynchronous should not depend only on the preferences of students.  Students may prefer one arrangement yet benefit from another arrangement. Therefore, the decision on whether activities should be synchronous or asynchronous should partly depend on the observed benefits of each mode. 


Some researchers, therefore, have attempted to explore which of these alternatives are more likely to benefit learning.  To illustrate, researchers have explored whether, in general, individuals more effectively learn text that is presented live, such as online chats, than text that was written previously, such as emails or announcements—epitomizing synchronous and asynchronous formats respectively.  In general, these studies reveal no significant benefit of live text on memory and learning (e.g., Abrams, 2003; Johnson, 2008; Pérez, 2003)


To illustrate, in one study, conducted by Johnson (2008), 120 students, enrolled in a course on educational psychology, analyzed four case studies that were relevant to this topic.  Students were granted opportunities to discuss these case studies with their peers.  In half the instances, they could discuss the case studies synchronously in a chat forum.  In the other instances, these students could discuss the case studies asynchronously in a discussion board.  Subsequently, these students completed questionnaires in which they indicated whether they felt they learned more effectively in the chat forum or discussion board.  In addition, these students completed a multiple-choice examination that assessed the knowledge they derived from these case studies.


Whether these students discussed the cases synchronously in a chat forum or asynchronously in a discussion board did not significantly affect their performance on the multiple-choice test.  However, students were slightly more likely to feel they learned more effectively from the asynchronous discussion board than from the synchronous chat room. Specifically, when asked to justify their preference, students indicated that


  • the asynchronous discussion board enabled students greater time to think, to reflect, and to prepare and also facilitated greater levels of interaction, because students did not feel as rushed

  • the synchronous chat, however, enabled individuals to distill more information, because they could ask the necessary questions at the right time and thus elicit a suitable response, and may have felt more social


Which activities should be synchronous and asynchronous? The practices of specialists

Many previous studies on this topic, such as research that explores whether students are more likely to remember synchronous or asynchronous text, may overlook the variability across tasks.  That is, some tasks or activities might benefit from synchronous discussion or collaboration.  Other tasks or benefits might benefit from asynchronous study and reflection. 


Rather than examine each task or activity in isolation—a potentially endless pursuit—some researchers have instead explored the practices and beliefs of the most effective or respected educators.  To illustrate, Martin et al. (2023) examined how 12 online instructors who have received awards blend asynchronous and synchronous learning


As interviews of these educators and qualitative analyses revealed, the participants systematically considered and utilized the distinct benefits of asynchronous learning and synchronous learning.  For example, according to these participants, asynchronous learning affords students with more choice on when to learn, more choice on how to learn the material—such as whether to watch a video several times—and more opportunities to reflect.  Topics that might benefit from a range of learning strategies and greater reflection could thus be confined to asynchronous learning. Consistent with this premise, according to Hrastinski (2008), asynchronous learning may be especially appropriate when the concepts are challenging and demand careful analysis or contemplation


In contrast, synchronous learning enables students to ask questions, to explore ideas with other people, to receive immediate feedback on these ideas, and to develop relationships with students and instructors, instilling a sense of belonging.  Topics in which personal opinions and ideas are more important may be confined to synchronous learning.  In addition, because this sense of belonging can enhance resilience and persistence, perhaps at least some activities should be synchronous. 


Which activities should be synchronous and asynchronous? Optimal levels of choice

Despite the benefits of synchronous learning in some instances, especially when collaboration and discussion is vital, students might not always be able to attend these sessions.  Therefore, educators need to consider the extent to which synchronous activities, such as live discussions, should be mandatory. 


Martin et al. (2023) examined who online educators who had received teaching awards manage this issue.  As Martin et al. revealed, in many instances, synchronous activities were not mandatory but strongly recommended.  Instead, these instructors asked students to nominate when they might be available, attempting to arrange time slots that enable most students to attend. The instructors tended to record synchronous classes, enabling all students to watch these classes later.  Yet, the instructors also attempted to encourage as many students as possible to join—perhaps by enhancing the benefits to students who participate in live chats   


Design of bichronous online learning: Association between asynchronous and synchronous activities

Many studies have explored the benefits of asynchronous and synchronous activities in isolation.  But, in practice, students do not complete asynchronous and synchronous activities in isolation.  For example, the insights that students gain from an asynchronous task could then be applied to a synchronous task and vice versa.  Consequently, in their research on online educators who have received awards, Martin et al. (2023) explored how these individuals integrate the asynchronous modules and synchronous classes.  That is, Martin et al. examined whether asynchronous and synchronous modalities enhance, complement, or substitute one another. As this study revealed, these educators may


  • arrange the asynchronous material, such as a video, to proceed a synchronous discussion, analogous to flipped classes; in this circumstance, the synchronous discussion extends or enhances the knowledge the students learn from asynchronous materials

  • arrange the asynchronous material to both proceed and follow a synchronous discussion, to enable students to prepare asynchronously, discuss or apply the material synchronously, and then to reflect and to elaborate asynchronously.

  • present the same material asynchronously and synchronously, enabling students to choose the modality they prefer


Design of bichronous online learning: Asynchronous materials

Martin et al. (2023) also explored how exemplary instructors designed asynchronous materials, such as videos and activities that students complete alone, to optimize learning.  These instructors tended to consider three key features.  Specifically,


  • these instructors first develop a diverse range of activities that students complete asynchronously, including adaptive learning games, prerecorded videos of guest speakers, YouTube videos, podcasts, documentaries, or short PowerPoint presentations, lasting about 10 minutes, narrated by the instructor, about the key features of each topic

  • these instructors encourage students to participate in online discussions, in which they might need to post a specific number of questions, answers, and responses to the answers of peers

  • finally, these instructors attempted to embed some regularity to these materials—such as a particular sequence of activities, posted at a specific time—while also arranging some variety as well


Design of bichronous online learning: Synchronous materials

According to Martin et al. (2023), when exemplary instructors design synchronous classes, they consider four key matters.  First, instructors clarify the purpose or objectives of each session, both to themselves and to the students.  For example, these sessions may be designed to correct errors or clarify misconceptions, to practice or model a skill, to demonstrate a concept, to answer questions about challenging topics, to arrange student presentations, to share experiences and concerns, as well as to develop relationships


Second, instructors reach decisions about whether they record synchronous classes and which features to record.  To illustrate, they might record some of the discussion on chat box—but also not record some discussions, to encourage students to speak or write openly


Third, instructors decide on the schedule of classes, especially if these classes are not included in the timetable.  For example, they might administer doodle polls to identify suitable times.  Finally, instructors develop slides that outline the range of topics and tasks the session will cover—to instill a sense of predictability. 


Design of bichronous online learning: Facilitation

Rather than merely design the materials, the educators must guide students. They need to prompt students to complete the asynchronous online activities, and they need to facilitate the synchronous presentations, discussions, and sessions as well.   


As Martin et al. (2023) showed, online instructors who have received awards introduce a range of tools to help student navigate these online materials. In addition to detailed instructions on which activities to complete, the instructors sent regular text or video announcements, perhaps once a week, as well as after each assignment to outline the key shortcomings.  The first announcement or task was often designed to encourage students to introduce each other and to explore common interests, perspectives, or concerns—perhaps using Flipgrid or other tools in which they can share videos.  


In addition, the instructors would, initially, respond to all posts in the discussion threads or discussion groups.  These responses of instructors were primarily intended to encourage students to support and to encourage one another, while still debating topics.  Over time, the instructors would gradually diminish their participation and, for example, respond to clusters of posts only, perhaps summarizing the insights that students proposed.


These online instructors also discussed how they facilitate the synchronous classes, discussions, and sessions. These sessions often included demonstrations of some concept or skill, role playing or practicing a skill, breakout rooms, meetings with one student or small groups of students, digital whiteboards, analysis of case studies—such as evaluating the assignments of past students—and reviews of past discussions. To optimize the facilitation of these sessions, instructors would


  • access the session about 15 or so minutes before the classes officially commences—perhaps with some prepared welcome message, insights, or questions, on the screen, in the chat boxes, and verbally, to occupy the students who also arrive early

  • encourage students to share personal insights, perspectives, or concerns, often by modeling this behavior

  • organize virtual office hours, in which students can contact the instructor

  • encourage students to organize their own synchronous sessions—such as a session about a particular assignment

  • ask students to personalize their background and, if they like, explain the significance of this background


Moser and Smith (2015), in their conference paper, enumerated a set of practices that optimize the design of synchronous classes, such as live webinars.  Besides the recommendations that Martin et al. (2023) suggested, according to these authors, educators should also


  • pre-load software that will be used during class presentation

  • encourage students to participate in virtual study sessions with several peers

One complication with blends of asynchronous classes and synchronous classes is that students are exposed to many tools and practices and, therefore, sometimes feel overwhelmed.  To override this problem, students should be exposed to these tools gradually—and, whenever possible, during the asynchronous activities, during which time they can practice more (Martin et al., 2023).  


Underlying theories: Transactional distance

Some theories might help educators design asynchronous and synchronous activities effectively.  For example, the theory of transactional distance may offer some insight into the differential benefits of asynchronous and synchronous learning opportunities (Moore, 1973, 1990, 1993; Moore & Kearsley, 1996).  According to this theory, various conditions and circumstances can elicit a sense of distance between instructors and students—such as when the instructors and students are located in disparate regions.  The cornerstone of this theory, however, is that such distance may compromise the communication between instructors and students.  This distance may, for various reasons, increase the likelihood the students misunderstand instructors and vice versa.  Therefore, a core goal of instructors is, somehow, to diminish this perceived sense of distance.       


The sense of distance that students experience is not dependent only on spatial or temporal separation but on three key features of the circumstances, called dialogue, structure, and autonomy.  First, dialogue refers to the frequency, quality, and relevance of the communication between instructors and students.  When instructors not only communicate frequently but also convey the information that resolves the concerns or uncertainty of students, this dialogue tends to diminish a sense of distance. 


Second, structure refers to the extent the objectives, activities, and content of the course is rigid and prescribed in advance rather than flexible to the needs of students.  When the course is rigid instead of flexible, students may experience a greater sense of distance from instructors.  Nevertheless, if the course is too flexible, the ensuing sense of uncertainty can also amplify distance. 


Third, autonomy refers to the degree to which students feel they can direct their own learning.  Students who experience this autonomy feel more immersed in their learning, diminishing the sense of distance. 


When the quality of dialogue is impaired or the course is rigid, this sense of autonomy subsides.  Furthermore, when the quality of dialogue is impaired, the course is more likely to be rigid instead of flexible.  Thus, dialogue, structure, and autonomy do not only shape the sense of distance but also shape one another. 


The model is not explicit about the relationship between transactional distance and whether the activities should be asynchronous or synchronous.  Yet, when the activities are synchronous, instructors might be granted more opportunities to accommodate students—and thus improve dialogue and increase flexibility—reducing distance and improving learning.   Nevertheless, when the activities are asynchronous, students may experience greater autonomy.  Therefore, both synchronous and asynchronous learning can be effective, provided instructors are sensitive to dialogue, structure, and autonomy.   


Underlying theories: Construal level theory

Construal level theory could also be applied to appreciate the differential effects of asynchronous learning and synchronous learning.  According to construal level theory (e.g., Trope & Liberman, 2003; Trope et al., 2007), when individuals perceive, interpret, contemplate, or evaluate some object or event, they sometimes orient their attention towards specific details or features, called concrete processing.  For example, if watching a lecturer on video, they might orient their attention to a specific detail, such as the ring or necklace this person wears.  Or, when describing this experience, they might refer to specific actions, such as “this person talked about bees”. 


On other occasions, individuals may orient their attention towards the underlying, intangible patterns, called abstract processing. For instance, if watching a lecturer on video, they might orient their attention to the overall patterns, such as the contrast in lighting between the lecturer and background.  Or, when describing this experience, they might refer to intangible experiences rather than tangible details, such as “this person was inspiring”.   


Whether individuals direct their attention to concrete details or abstract patterns significantly affects their learning, performance, and behavior.  For example, if students extend their attention to abstract patterns, they often appreciate the similarities and differences between distinct concepts—often enhancing their capacity to solve problems creatively (Jia et al., 2009; Ray et al., 2008). 


Importantly, the degree to which objects or events seem close or distant shapes whether people attend to concrete details or abstract patterns.  That is, in some instances, an object or event might seem close. Whenever an object or event seems close—such as when students watch an instructor in the same room, presenting a live seminar—individuals tend to confine their attention to concrete, tangible details.  In contrast, in some instances, an object or event might seem far or remote.  Whenever an object or event seems far or remote—such as when students watch an instructor on video, presenting a seminar that was recorded months ago—individuals tend to confine their attention to abstract, intangible patterns.    


Even when they study online, students are likely to perceive synchronous activities as closer, in some sense, than asynchronous activities.  That is, individuals perceive synchronous activities as separate in space but not time.  In contrast, individuals perceive asynchronous activities as separate in time and space.  Accordingly, when students learn asynchronously rather than synchronously, they are more likely to shift their attention to abstract patterns. 


When students think abstractly, they experience a range of benefits as well as some complications.  For example, when people direct their attention to abstract, intangible patterns,


  • they tend to be attuned to the core issues rather than peripheral features (Trope & Liberman, 2003)

  • they tend to behave more politely (Stephan et al., 2009)

  • they tend to be more attuned to the limits of their knowledge, called intellectual humility (Kross & Grossmann, 2012)

  • they can identify the causes of events more effectively but not the consequences (Rim et al., 2013)

  • they are more likely to appreciate and value creative innovation and novel solutions (Mueller et al., 2014)

  • they tend to think and solve problems more creatively, but might not apply logical principles as effectively (Jia et al., 2009; Ray et al., 2008)


To illustrate the implications of this theory, whenever educators want students to demonstrate intellectual humility and question their assumptions as well as consider the causes of events and show creativity, they should perhaps schedule more asynchronous tasks.  Whenever educators want students to apply challenging principles and rules or consider the consequences of some act, they should perhaps schedule more synchronous tasks.



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White Structure

Community of inquiry framework

Objective of the community of inquiry framework

The community of inquiry framework is predicated on the notion that online learning is contingent upon a strong community of peers who experience a shared goal.  This community fosters mutual trust and respect, facilitating a willingness to share and to collaborate (Wenger et al., 2002). 


The aim of this community of inquiry framework was to help clarify, delineate, and measure the features of collaborative and worthwhile experience in online education.  The model outlines the dynamics that relate three core features: social presence, cognitive presence, and teacher presence.  To enhance student learning in online courses, many teachers and institutions design the materials to foster these three features (e.g., Padilla & Kreider, 2018)


Social presence

Social presence refers to the capacity of students to express themselves genuinely in the community.  Specifically, social presence, at least to some extent, revolves around the notion of a shared social identity—in which students experience a sense of connection around the purpose of this course.  This shared identity is distinct from the interpersonal relationships they establish over time. 


Three facets of social presence emanate from this shared identity.  First, because of this shared identity, students experience a sense of cohesion, camaraderie, and collaboration.  Their discussions revolve around the shared purpose: to learn about the topic of interest.  Second, this cohesion promotes trust, enabling individuals to communicate openly and candidly, unconcerned they might be derided or excluded.  Third, because of this openness, communication may extend from facts and information to more emotional, personal, and intuitive expression.  In short, social presence entails group cohesion, open communication, and affective expression (Garrison et al., 2000, 2010).  


Research has shown that social presence may generate a range of benefits.  For example, as research has shown, when students report greater social presence, they are more likely to feel they have learned the materials more effectively and feel satisfied with the course (Richardson, 2001; Richardson et al., 2017).  Nevertheless, the benefits of social presence have not been definitive and seem to depend on other conditions, such as the level of teacher presence (Joksimović et al., 2015).  To be beneficial, Garrison and Arbaugh (2007) underscore that social presence should not be equated merely to enjoyable social interactions and relationships but to purposeful relationships and conversations around shared interests. 


Cognitive presence

Cognitive presence refers to the capacity of students to construct their own knowledge, information, and meaning. The notion of cognitive presence emanated from the work of John Dewey, who proposed that reflective thought is central to education.  The practical inquiry model can be applied to characterize this reflection.  This model comprises four phases: a triggering event, exploration, integration, and resolution.  Specifically, when students initiate their inquiry, they become aware of some problem or question they need to resolve: the triggering event.  Next, they explore various sources of information to understand the problem and consider possible solutions.  Then, the students integrate these sources of information to develop a cohesive understanding and propose one or more potential solutions.  Finally, during the resolution phase, the students develop a new idea or conclusion they can apply in the future.


Students, however, do not always complete this sequence of phases.  According to a variety of studies (e.g., Garrison, Anderson & Archer, 2001), students do not always integrate the information or generate a resolution.  That is, many activities and assignments in education did not compel students to complete this integration or resolution.  


The degree to which individuals exhibit cognitive presence—that is, a triggering event, exploration, integration, and resolution—is associated with many favorable outcomes.  For example, cognitive presence is positively related to actual learning achievement (e.g., Akyol & Garrison, 2011) as well as the degree to which learners feel satisfied with the online learning experience (e.g., Joo et al., 2011)


Teacher presence

Teacher presence refers to the activities that facilitators can undertake to promote social presence and cognitive presence and to facilitate the community (Garrison et al., 2000, 2010).  These activities include the design of learning tasks, the coordination of these tasks, the dissemination of knowledge about the topic, and the development of a culture that inspires active learning. 


Often, the prescribed teacher will initiate these activities.  However, over time, students themselves might assume this role as well or instead.  Coll et al. (2009) referred to this role of students, when coupled with teachers, as distributed teaching presence.  Indeed, Engel et al. (2013) utilized social network analysis to study how students communicate to shape the cognitive and social operations of their peers.   


Teacher presence entails three distinct but overlapping facets.  First, teachers need to define the key topics and issues to explore and to initiate conversation and discussion about these matters, called instructional management.  Second, teachers need to help students understand key concepts, perhaps with reference to examples and cases that are relevant to these students.  Finally, teachers need to directly instruct students to complete activities that foster learning and discussion. 


Taken together, this model often comprises three facets of social presence, four facets of cognitive presence, and three facets of teacher presence.  Some research has validated these ten factors (e.g., Heilporn & Lakhal, 2020)


Measures of social presence, cognitive presence, and teacher presence

Arbaugh et al. (2008) developed a measure, comprising 34 items, that purportedly measure social presence, cognitive presence, and teacher presence.  To assess this measure, 287 education and business students, enrolled at US or Canadian tertiary institutions, completed the questions. 


Nine of the items measured social presence.  For example, some items assessed a sense of belonging and cohesion, such as “Getting to know other course participants gave me a sense of belonging in the course”.  Some items gauged open communication and collaboration, such as “I felt comfortable conversing through the online medium”, “I felt comfortable participating in the course discussions”, “I felt comfortable disagreeing with other course participants while still maintaining a sense of trust”, and “Online discussions help me to develop a sense of collaboration”.  Other items revolved around interpersonal relationships in which individuals felt they appreciated one another as people, such as “I was able to form distinct impressions of some course participants.”. 


Twelve of the items measured cognitive presence.  Some items related to triggering events, such as “Problems posed increased my interest in course issues” and “Course activities piqued my curiosity”.  Other items related to exploration of information, such as “I utilized a variety of information sources to explore problems posed in this course” and “Online discussions were valuable in helping me appreciate different perspectives”.  Some items concerned attempts to integration this information, like “Combining new information helped me answer questions raised in course activities”.  Finally, some items related to resolution and the application of solutions, such as “I have developed solutions to course problems that can be applied in practice”, “I can apply the knowledge created in this course to my work or other non-class related activities”, and “Learning activities helped me construct explanations and solutions”.


The final set of items revolved around teacher presence.  Nevertheless, factor analyses indicated that teacher presence might comprise two distinct facets.  The first facet revolves more around the design and organization of a course, such as “The instructor clearly communicated important course topics”, “The instructor provided clear instructions on how to participate in course learning activities”, and “The instructor clearly communicated important due dates and time frames for learning activities.”  The second facet revolved more around the behavior of instructors during the course, such as “The instructor provided feedback in a timely fashion”, “Instructor actions reinforced the development of a sense of community among course participants”, and “The instructor encouraged course participants to explore new concepts in this course.”


Association between these presences

Central to the model is the dynamic relationships between social presence, cognitive presence, and teacher presence (e.g., Garrison et al., 2010).  The relationships between these presences are dynamic and multifaceted.  Nevertheless, research has explored the dominating features of these relationships.  As studies reveal, all three presences are positively related to one another (the most common finding is that the three constructs are interrelated and that they positively affect each other (Akyol, 2009; Polat, 2013).


More specifically, as the results show, social presence seems to mediate the association between teaching presence and cognitive presence (Archibald, 2010; Shea & Bidjerano, 2009). In particular, improvements in teaching presence tend to foster social presence, and this social presence enhances cognitive presence.  Specifically


  • teaching presence corresponds to a climate or environment in which collaboration and acceptance of diverse opinions are facilitated and rewarded, fostering social presence

  • social presence establishes a supportive discourse, in which individuals feel safe and inspired to explore, revise, integrate, and apply ideas, epitomizing cognitive presence

  • yet teachers can also orient students to the key matters to explore and thus promote cognitive presence as well.


Social presence, cognitive presence, and teacher presence might also moderate or affect the impact of one another.  For example, as many studies have shown, social presence is positively associated with learning outcomes, as measured by grades.  However, as Joksimović et al. (2015) revealed, this association is stronger whenever teacher presence is high.


Specifically, in this study, some students were exposed to greater levels of teaching presence.  To clarify, all participants were prompted to post feedback about a topic that was presented by a peer.  Students receive a rubric on how these posts were graded. Only some of these students however—the students exposed to greater levels of teaching presence—received clear guidelines on how to construct these messages.  When students received these guidelines, and hence teaching presence was elevated, the association between social presence and course grades was more pronounced.   


Consequences of social, cognitive, and teacher presence

Many studies reveal that teacher presence and cognitive presence—and to a lesser extent social presence—promote a range of positive outcomes.  For example, Choo et al. (2020) revealed that teacher presence and cognitive presence, as rated by business students enrolled in an online course, were positively associated with ratings of course satisfaction.  Xu et al. (2018) showed that teacher and social presence was positively related to course grades—even after controlling various learning analytics, such as the number of replies students posted or pages they read. 


Determinants of teacher presence

As Park and Kim (2020) revealed, the degree to which the online tools are interactive promotes instructor presence—an analogue to teacher presence. Specifically, in this study, the participants were business students, completing an online statistics course.  The students primarily communicated with each other and with the instructor on Microsoft Teams.  These students then completed a measure that assessed the degree to which they perceived communications in Microsoft Teams as versatile, fast, accessible at any location, and up to date.  In addition, this instrument measured the degree to which students experience instructor presence, epitomized by items like “When using Microsoft Teams, there was a sense of sociability with the instructor and classmates” and “When using Microsoft Teams, I felt I was getting individualized attention from the instructor”. Finally, the instrument included measures of student engagement and satisfaction. Structural equation model revealed that tool interactivity was positively associated with instructor presence—and instructor presence was positively associated with student engagement and satisfaction.


The measure of tool interactivity was derived from a more comprehensive instrument, developed and validated by Leiner and Quiring (2008).  This instrument may impart greater insight into how practitioners can improve the interactivity of tools and, potentially, promote teacher presence.  Specifically, this instrument measured three facets of interactivity: degree to which users can shape or control the experience, can receive and express feedback or communication, and can perform these tasks rapidly.  Typical questions include


  • While I was on the website, I could choose freely what I wanted to see

  • While surfing the website, my actions decided the kind of experiences I got

  • This website facilitates two-way communication between the visitors and the site

  • The website makes me feel it wants to listen to its visitors

  • The website processed my input very quickly

  • I was able to obtain the information I want without any delay

  • When I clicked on the links, I felt I was getting instantaneous information

  • The website was very slow in responding to my requests [reverse scored]


Determinants of social presence

Specific tools may be especially likely to foster social presence.  For example, Ng et al. (2020) showed how an online collaboration tool, called Miro Boards, were especially likely to foster social presence as well as learning presence—defined as the extent to which students participate in online class activities.


According to Ng et al. (2020), even the unpaid versions of Miro Boards enable users to access features that foster collaboration and social presence.  Specifically, unlike many other tools, Miro Boards enable many students to post and to arrange notes, images, videos or other media simultaneously onto a common, shared platform.   In addition, Miro Boards enable students to draw concepts and ideas—as well as correct the suggestions of one another. Furthermore, students can post questions to the tutor without disrupting the session.  Teachers can monitor these collaborations in multiple subgroups of students concurrently.  The content can then be converted to a pdf document and reviewed later.   


Variants of this model: Regulatory and autonomy presence

Many scholars feel the community of inquiry model—and the corresponding three presence—overlook the vital role of self-regulation (Lam, 2015; Shea et al., 2012).  That is, individuals need to experience an inherent motivation to inquire about a topic.


Kilis and Yıldırım (2018) appended another element, called regulatory presence, into the community of inquiry framework.   This suggestion emanated from the results of a study, comprising 1535 participants, all students who completed an online information and communication technology course but were enrolled in a variety of disciplines.  The participants completed an online instrument that included the scales, developed by Arbaugh et al. (2008), to gauge social presence, cognitive presence, and teacher presence as well as a measure of motivation. 


In addition, the instrument included a measure of self-regulated online learning (Barnard et al., 2008).  Self-regulation comprises the strategies that students utilise to motivate themselves and to enhance their concentration and learning.  In particular, self-regulation entails goal setting, such as “I set goals to help me manage studying time for my online courses”, environmental structuring, such as “I find a comfortable place to study”, task strategies to improve learning and concentration, such as “I read aloud instructional materials posted online to fight against distractions”, time management, such as “I allocate extra studying time for my online courses because I know it is time-demanding”, help-seeking, such as “If needed, I try to meet my classmates face-to-face”, and self-evaluation, such as “I communicate with my classmates to find out how I am doing in my online classes”


The instrument also included a measure of meta-cognition (Garrison & Akyol, 2015)—and represents the degree to which individuals contemplate how to improve their learning and thinking about a topic.  Typical questions include “I assess my strategies”, “I assess my understanding”, “I know my level of motivation”, “I observe the strategies of others”, “I listen to the comments of others”, and “I challenge the perspectives of others”.


The results show that self-regulation, meta-cognition, and motivation are positively related to cognitive presence and teacher presence.  In addition, self-regulation is positively related to social presence.  These findings indicate that self-regulation is vital to the community of inquiry framework. 


Kilis and Yıldırım (2018) developed a model that depicts the overlap between regulatory presence—or self-regulation—and the community of inquiry framework.  For example, both regulatory presence and cognitive presence entail self-control or discipline, self-observation, self-judgment, and self-reaction or adjustment. 


Lam (2015) introduced a similar notion, called autonomy presence. In particular, autonomy presence was intended to characterize the intrinsic drive that individuals experience to explore a topic and communicate this exploration.  Lam proposed that autonomy presence comprises three distinct but interrelated features: an intrinsic or inherent motivation to explore a topic, a personal drive to interpret the information they garner and construct knowledge, and the urge to inspire conversation and discourse about a topic with peers.


Variants of this model: Emotional presence

Some researchers feel the community of inquiry model underestimates the role of emotional presence.  For example, Majeski et al. (2018) proposed that emotional presence entails some of the key features of emotional intelligence, such as emotional perception and understanding, emotional regulation, and emotional facilitation. Emotional perception and understanding refers to the capacity of students to discern the emotions, needs, and mood of their peers and themselves—as well as to appreciate the effects of these states on the thoughts and behavior of individuals.  Emotional regulation refers to the capacity of individuals to limit or prevent unpleasant emotions as well as to amplify and experience positive emotions.  Finally, emotional facilitation refers to deliberate attempts to adjust emotions, primarily to enhance motivation or performance. 


According to Majeski et al. (2018), these features transcend the original community of inquiry model.  The original model referred only to emotional expression rather than other emotional practices.  Yet, as Majeski et al. (2018) argues, these other emotional practices impinge on teacher presence in particular.  For instance, when teachers show emotional presence, they can gauge and accommodate the needs and preferences of learners more effectively; they can also sense and address unproductive interactions between students.  Similarly, when students exhibit this emotional presence, they can also regulate their own behavior more effectively, enhancing both social and cognitive presence as well.  Nevertheless, to substantiate this model, Majeski et al. (2018) implores researchers to explore how emotional intelligence is related to teaching presence, cognitive presence, and social presence.


Underlying philosophy

To a significant extent, the community of inquiry framework can be traced to the work of John Dewey.  Dewey conceptualized inquiry and exploration—the cornerstone of education—as social experiences.  Yet, many of the philosophies and theories overlap with the community of inquiry framework.  For example, Swan et al. (2020) demonstrated that community of inquiry is analogous to the notion of person-centered education, as inspired by Carl Rogers.  In particular, Carl Rogers underscores the importance of


  • unconditional positive regard, in which teachers fundamentally accept students as individuals—and do not incessantly judge the comments, feelings, perspectives, or actions of students as either good or bad

  • accurate empathy, in which teachers understand the experience and feelings of their students, imagine events from the perspective of each student, and express this understanding.


As Swan et al. showed, this positive regard and empathy were highly related to teacher presence.   Thus, the work of Carl Rogers could inform the community of inquiry framework



  • Akyol, Z., & Garrison, D. R. (2011). Understanding cognitive presence in an online and blended community of inquiry: Assessing outcomes and processes for deep approaches to learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 42(2), 233-250.

  • Arbaugh, J., Cleveland-Innes, M., Diaz, S. R., Garrison, D. R., Ice, P., Richardson, J. C., & Swan, K. P. (2008). Developing a community of inquiry instrument: Testing a measure of the Community of Inquiry framework using a multi-institutional sample. The Internet and Higher Education, 11(3), 133–136.

  • Barnard, L., Paton, V., & Lan, W. (2008). Online self-regulatory learning behaviors as a mediator in the relationship between online course perceptions with achievement. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 9(2), 1-11.

  • Castellanos-Reyes, D. (2020). 20 years of the community of inquiry framework. TechTrends, 64(4), 557-560.

  • Choo, J., Bakir, N., Scagnoli, N. I., Ju, B., & Tong, X. (2020). Using the Community of Inquiry framework to understand students’ learning experience in online undergraduate business courses. TechTrends, 64(1), 172-181.

  • Coll, C., Engel, A., & Bustos, A. (2009). Distributed teaching presence and participants' activity profiles: A theoretical approach to the structural analysis of Asynchronous Learning Networks 1. European Journal of Education, 44(4), 521-538.

  • Engel, A., Coll, C., & Bustos, A. (2013). Distributed teaching presence and communicative patterns in asynchronous learning: Name versus reply networks. Computers & Education, 60(1), 184-196.

  • Garrison, D. R., & Akyol, Z. (2015). Toward the development of a metacognition construct for communities of inquiry. The Internet and Higher Education, 24, 66-71.

  • Garrison, D. R., & Arbaugh, J. B. (2007). Researching the community of inquiry framework: Review, issues, and future directions. The Internet and higher education, 10(3), 157-172.

  • Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W. (2000). Critical inquiry in a text-based environment: Computer conferencing in higher education.  Internet and Higher Education, 2(2-3), 87-105.

  • Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W. (2010). The first decade of the community of inquiry framework: A retrospective. The internet and higher education, 13(1-2), 5-9.

  • Heilporn, G., & Lakhal, S. (2020). Investigating the reliability and validity of the community of inquiry framework: An analysis of categories within each presence. Computers & Education, 145.

  • Joksimović, S., Gašević, D., Kovanović, V., Riecke, B. E., & Hatala, M. (2015). Social presence in online discussions as a process predictor of academic performance. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 31(6), 638-654.

  • Joo, Y. J., Lim, K. Y., & Kim, E. K. (2011). Online university students' satisfaction and persistence: Examining perceived level of presence, usefulness and ease of use as predictors in a structural model. Computers & education, 57(2), 1654-1664.

  • Kilis, S., & Yıldırım, Z. (2018). Investigation of community of inquiry framework in regard to self-regulation, metacognition and motivation. Computers & Education, 126, 53-64.

  • Kozan, K., & Caskurlu, S. (2018). On the Nth presence for the Community of Inquiry framework. Computers & Education, 122, 104-118.

  • Leiner, D. J., & Quiring, O. (2008). What interactivity means to the user: Essential insights and a scale for perceived interactivity. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 14(1), 127-155.

  • Majeski, R. A., Stover, M., & Valais, T. (2018). The community of inquiry and emotional presence. Adult Learning, 29(2), 53-61.

  • Ng, B. J. M., Han, J. Y., Kim, Y., Togo, K. A., Chew, J. Y., Lam, Y., & Fung, F. M. (2021). Supporting social and learning presence in the revised community of inquiry framework for hybrid learning. Journal of Chemical Education, 99(2), 708-714.

  • Padilla, B. I., & Kreider, K. E. (2018). Community of inquiry framework for advanced practice nursing students. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 14(5), e87-e92.

  • Park, C., & Kim, D. (2020). Perception of instructor presence and its effects on learning experience in online classes. Journal of Information Technology Education, 19, 475–488.

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  • Richardson, J. C., Maeda, Y., Lv, J., & Caskurlu, S. (2017). Social presence in relation to students' satisfaction and learning in the online environment: A meta-analysis. Computers in Human Behavior, 71, 402-417.

  • Sidiropoulou, Z., & Mavroidis, I. (2019). The relation between the three dimensions of the community of inquiry and the learning styles of students in a distance education programme. International Journal or Emerging Technologies of Learning, 14(23), 180-192.

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White Structure

Online engagement


Many studies have corroborated the importance of student engagement.  That is, students who devote time and energy to their studies, feel absorbed in their studies, actively contemplate the topics they study, apply the materials they learn to their own life, and participate in class activities tend to learn more effectively.  Studies have also revealed that student engagement is especially important to students who study online: Without this engagement, these students often feel isolated and uninspired (e.g., Lewis & Abdul-Hamid, 2006)


According to some researchers (Dixson, 2010), online engagement comprises four facets.  First, engaged students experience motivating emotions, such as a desire to learn, the inspiration to devote effort into the materials, and the motivation to apply the content to their lives.  Second, engaged students participate in online forums or conversations, assist their peers, and learn about their peers.  Third, engaged students implement effective study skills: they are organized enough to record and review their notes on the materials they see or hear regularly and to listen and read carefully. Finally, engaged students tend to perform effectively, such as attract high grades.  


Dixson (2015) revealed how student engagement online does indeed predict behaviors that have been shown to facilitate learning.  In this study, undergraduate students completed a measure that purportedly assesses online engagement, comprising 19 items.  In particular, students indicated the degree to which, during the course, they tend to study regularly, devote effort to their studies, discuss the content with other students online, and contemplate how to apply the content to their lives.  Students who reported elevated levels of engagement were indeed more likely to submit assignments on time, post on the discussion boards, and access the learning materials.


Research has confirmed that student engagement online does significantly enhance learning.  For example, Strang (2016) showed that students who did engage more frequently with online materials, available from the learning management system, did indeed receive higher grades.  Green et al. (2018) replicated these results in students who were enrolled in a course on anatomy. 


Practices that enhance online engagement: Self-regulation and self-efficacy

Scholars have identified a range of practices that are likely to enhance the engagement of students in online or blended classes. First, according to Abrami et al. (2011), Bernard et al. (2014), and many other authors, online classes should help students regulate their own behavior and motivation.  The teacher should present a set of instructions and prompts that inspire students to devote effort to this course at particular times and to engage in tasks that enhance both engagement and motivation.  For example, the online class may include assignments in which students need to set goals, identify strategies they will apply to learn material, observe their motivation over time, reflect upon their progress, and so forth.


To illustrate, teachers could apply the literature on goal setting.  For example, when they need to set a goal, students should stipulate a target range—such as to read 8 to 12 articles a week or to identify 2 to 4 solutions to a problem every day.  Generally, when individuals specify a range, instead of a specific target, they are more likely to perform effectively (Scott & Nowlis, 2013).  The low value in this range tends to feel within reach and, therefore, is especially motivating.  The high value in this range tends to inspire students to outperform this low value.


Second, as Bernard et al. (2014) revealed, online classes should inspire self-efficacy—in which students feel confident they can surpass the challenges of this course.  Students should receive insights about how various activities are likely to enhance their ability to complete the course.


Practices that enhance online engagement: Collaboration and cooperation

Third, online classes should facilitate collaboration and cooperation between students.  This sense of cooperation has been shown to promote this self-efficacy. 


From their interviews of 30 exemplary instructors of online classes, Lewis and Abdul-Hamid (2006) uncovered a range of strategies these individuals have applied to promote this interaction, collaboration, and cooperation online.  Some instructors organized formal conferences, forums, or discussions, in which students received grades or rewards if they posted insights and responded to other posts about a prescribed question or topic. 


Some instructors organized informal conferences, forums, or discussions in which the topic was not as confined.  For example, one instructor established a forum called “The café” in which students could share any insights or concerns that were related to the course.  Another instructor established a forum called “Harmony house” in which the instructor promised not to enter, primarily to arrange a safe environment.  Furthermore, some instructors developed a forum that encourages students to express their concerns and confusion about specific topics.


To initiate these interactions, some instructors set a simple assignment from the outset in which students must introduce themselves—perhaps by sharing personal interests or experiences that are relevant to the course.  They might even be instructed to share previous facts, concepts, or case studies they feel could be relevant to this course.  Other students must respond to five or so of these introductions, perhaps writing about similarities or differences between themselves and these peers as well as insights they acquired from their peers.


The questions or topics that instructors pose to promote discussion should be selected carefully.  The questions should enable all students to contribute—but nevertheless be challenging enough to provoke careful thought and contemplation as well as a variety of answers.  The questions might comprise several sub-questions, each sequentially more challenging, to accommodate a range of abilities. 


Some instructors refrained from disrupting the online discussions between students. However, when they felt the students had overlooked a key answer or topic, they might post a comment to shape the conversation.


Besides online conferences, forums, and discussions, some instructors assigned students collaborative tasks to promote interactions.  In one instance, students received grades that demand on the level and quality of participation. Alternatively, students may submit a summary of the discussions in which they engaged, and only this summary is graded.  To help students construct this summary, the instructor distributed a template, prompting students to indicate which students participated in this discussion, the main arguments and controversies in this discussion, their feelings towards these arguments, and so forth.


To improve collaboration, students received instructions on the importance of collaboration in their careers, the observation that individuals can develop their collaboration skills indefinitely, and some insights on how to collaborate effectively—such as how to manage disagreements and how to respond to students who are not participating sufficiently.  Students were informed about the various phases of group formation and the importance of choosing, or rotating, leaders 


Practices that enhance online engagement: Suitable feedback

Regular and constructive feedback, although vital in traditional classrooms, is especially significant in online environments.  If feedback is inadequate in online environments, students are especially likely to feel isolated from the institution (Shin, 2003), compromising their engagement and learning.


The 30 exemplary instructors of online classes, interviewed by Lewis and Abdul-Hamid (2006), revealed that instructors varied their feedback, depending on the performance of students.  For example, they attempted to challenge students who are performing well, to boost the confidence of students who are not performing as well, and to offer assistance to students who are not participating in discussions: If students seemed to be absent, instructors might send personalised emails, like “I notice you have not been participating for a while: Can I help in any way?”


Prompt, detailed, and helpful feedback demands considerable time.  To diminish this time, some instructors utilized voice technology, such as RealPlayerTM, because they felt they could use speech cues to express the nuances of their comments more effectively.  Other instructors retained a bank of common responses and questions, collected over time. 


Besides the time they needed to dedicate to this activity, the main challenge these instructors reported was the tension between the need to offer support and the need to encourage students to work independently. 


Besides feedback to students, feedback from students about the online course also fosters engagement, as Waheed (2017) revealed.  According to Waheed (2017), teachers should seek feedback about the course and regularly update features of the course in response to this feedback.  This practice also instills a sense of ownership in students, promoting commitment and motivation. 


Practices that enhance online engagement: Relevance to reality

Lewis and Abdul-Hamid (2006) discussed how exemplary online instructors also connect the learning materials to relevance circumstances.  For example, some instructors decided to invite guest speakers, usually specialists in a relevant industry, to discuss their experiences.  Other instructors attempted to apply the learning materials to contemporary news events or to the personal experiences of students.   


Practices that enhance online engagement: Variety

According to Dixson (2010), which practices teaching staff apply to engage students is perhaps not as important as the variety of practices that teaching staff apply.  That is, to sustain engagement, instructors need to apply a range or variety of channels and methods, but still maintain a sense of regularity and simplicity.  The most effective instructors will post regular announcements on the homepage learning management system, send emails regularly but not excessively, interact on discussion forums, and present recorded materials and apps—as well as consider other innovative methods.


This variety might also include activities that are initiated outside the online learning environment (e.g., Buelow et al., 2018).  Students might be encouraged to observe a setting, such as people at a shopping centre, complete some creative task, or complete some other activity outside.


Evidence of effective practices

Although the literature is replete with recommendations on how to engage students online, not all of these practices have been assessed empirically. Buelow et al. (2018) conducted a study to assess which online learning practices are indeed associated with online engagement.  In this study, over 2000 university students, enrolled online, completed a questionnaire.  First, the questionnaire prompted students to write about the assignments and activities in online courses that inspired, or discouraged, their interest and engagement.  Next, students completed a range of scales—such as measure of overall engagement and excitement about the course as well as questions that measured the range of activities they completed during these courses.


Several learning practices tended to coincide with greater engagement. For example, if students were able to connect the material to problems in society, connect the material to their prior experiences or knowledge, or experience fun during online forums, they were more likely to feel engaged overall.  Students also acknowledged that controversial topics, online simulations, podcasts, or other unconventional media as well as assignments that obliged students to complete tasks outside their online learning environment—such as simulations or creative endeavours—tended to elicit interest and engagement. 


Students felt that some activities or features of online programs disrupt engagement.  These students perceived excessive workload or information, delayed feedback, and frequent blogs as events that diminished interest and engagement.


Online climate

As Cole et al. (2021) revealed, rather than specific practices, the global online climate can also shape online engagement.  Kaufmann et al. (2015) developed a measure of online learning climate.  The measure comprises four distinct facets, corresponding to the behavior of instructors, the structure of this course, the clarity of content, and the degree to which students feel connected to the class.  For example, the first set of questions gauge the extent to which instructors are understanding, respectful, supportive, responsive, engaged, and approachable.  The second set of questions measure the degree to which the course is designed to foster collaboration and interaction.  The third set of questions gauge the extent to which the instructions and organization of this course is clear.  And the final set of questions revolve around whether the students are respectful and supportive of one another.  Cole et al. (2021) showed that courses that are designed to foster collaboration and interaction as well as peers who are respectful and supportive of one another are especially likely to foster online engagement.


Specific case studies

The literature is replete with case studies in which teaching staff have introduced a range of practices to engage students during online classes.  For example, Burr and Otoya-Knapp (2014) depicted a case study at Bank Street College of Education.  During one online course, the teachers organized assignments, early in the semester, in which students introduce each other, but about experiences that are relevant to this course.  In addition, they arranged many small discussion groups.  These activities fostered a learning community and enhanced online collaboration over the course.   This study case was predicated on the assumption that students experience development while they are engaged with other learners around meaningful experiences.


Edmunds et al. (2021) presented a case study that depicted an attempt at a community college to redesign a set of core introductory online courses and include more technology tools and instructional practices to improve the online experience.  This redesigned course did indeed diminish the rate of withdrawal, especially in minority students, such as African American or Hispanic students.  However, the project was successful in psychology, but not in business, students.  This design is called project compass—and was funded by a $3 million grant in 2015


Performance in courses presented online versus in person

When instructors apply practices that engage students online, these students tend to learn effectively.  Indeed, learning online may be as effective as learning in person.  


Many studies have explored whether learning online is more or less effective overall than learning in class. To illustrate, Means, Toyama, Murphy, and Baki (2013) conducted a meta-analysis to compare the learning outcomes of students who received instruction from teachers online, in class, or a combination of both.  The analysis included 42 studies conducted in higher education.  Overall, students who received at least some instruction online tended to outperform students who received all the instructions in person.


As the authors concede, however, the cause of this difference is ambiguous.  Students who received at least some instruction online were more likely to be exposed to other resources.  Likewise, these students might have differed from their peers on many other characteristics as well, such as employment status.  Consequently, the precise benefits of online instruction remain uncertain. 


Bernard et al. (2014) conducted a similar meta-analysis, revealing that blended learning—a combination of instruction online and instruction in person—was better than alternatives.  However, the effect sizes were small, indicating that mode of instruction significantly but modestly influences learning outcomes.  Nevertheless, Bernard concedes that many other characteristics may differ across these modes, obscuring the implications of these results.    


Nevertheless, the differences between learning online and learning in person might vary across students.  To illustrate, studies have shown that community college students--courses that are usually open access, designed to enable students to further their education, and often attracting disadvantaged students—tend to achieve higher grades if these students actually study in person rather than online (Gregory & Lampley, 2016).  These findings were derived from an analysis of 4,604 students enrolled at a public 2-year community college located in Tennesse.


Regardless, studies tend to confirm that students can excel in online environments, even if most of the classes are taught asynchronously.  This pattern of findings is consistent with the contention, proposed by Garrison et al. (2010), that scholars have perhaps exaggerated the consequences of limitations in nonverbal cues and underestimated the benefits of text communication. 



  • Abrami, P. C., Bernard, R. M., Bures, E. M., Borokhovski, E., & Tamim, R. (2011). Interaction in distance education and online learning: Using evidence and theory to improve practice. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 23(2/3), 82–103.

  • Bernard, R. M., Borokhovski, E., Schmid, R. F., Tamim, R. M., & Abrami, P. C. (2014). A meta-analysis of blended learning and technology use in higher education: From the general to the applied. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 26(1), 87-122.

  • Buelow, J. R., Barry, T., & Rich, L. E. (2018). Supporting learning engagement with online students. Online Learning, 22(4), 313-340.

  • Burr, V., & Otoya-Knapp, K. (2014). Progressive online teacher education: Developing shifts in methodologies. Teacher Education and Practice, 27(4), 514.

  • Carr, M. (2014). The Online University Classroom: One Perspective for Effective Student Engagement and Teaching in an Online Environment. Journal of Effective Teaching, 14(1), 99-110.

  • Castro, M. D. B., & Tumibay, G. M. (2021). A literature review: efficacy of online learning courses for higher education institution using meta-analysis. Education and Information Technologies, 26(2), 1367-1385.

  • Coates, H. (2006). Student engagement in campus-based and online education: University connections. Routledge.

  • Cole, A. W., Lennon, L., & Weber, N. L. (2021). Student perceptions of online active learning practices and online learning climate predict online course engagement. Interactive Learning Environments, 29(5), 866–880.

  • Conrad, D., & Openo, J. (2018). Assessment strategies for online learning : Engagement and authenticity. AU Press.

  • Dixson, M. D. (2015). Measuring student engagement in the online course: The online student engagement scale (OSE). Online Learning, 19(4)

  • Edmunds, J. A., Gicheva, D., Thrift, B., & Hull, M. (2021). High tech, high touch: The impact of an online course intervention on academic performance and persistence in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education, 49.

  • exemplary faculty. Innovative Higher Education, 31(2), 83–98.

  • Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W. (2010). The first decade of the community of inquiry framework: A retrospective. The internet and higher education, 13(1-2), 5-9.

  • Green, R. A., Whitburn, L. Y., Zacharias, A., Byrne, G., & Hughes, D. L. (2018). The relationship between student engagement with online content and achievement in a blended learning anatomy course. Anatomical Sciences Education, 11(5), 471–477.

  • Gregory, C. B., & Lampley, J. H. (2016). Community college student success in online versus equivalent face-to-face courses. Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 12(2),63–72.

  • Kaufmann, R., Sellnow, D. D., & Frisby, B. N. (2016). The development and validation of the online learning climate scale (OLCS). Communication Education, 65, 307–32

  • Koohang, A., Paliszkiewicz, J., Klein, D., & Nord, J. H. (2016). The importance of active learning elements in the design of online courses. Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, 4, 17–28.

  • Lewis, C. C., & Abdul-Hamid, H. (2006). Implementing effective online teaching practices: Voices of

  • Means, B., Toyama, Y., Murphy, R., & Baki, M. (2013). The effectiveness of online and blended learning: A meta-analysis of the empirical literature. Teachers college record, 115(3), 1-47.

  • Müller, C., & Mildenberger, T. (2021). Facilitating flexible learning by replacing classroom time with an online learning environment: A systematic review of blended learning in higher education. Educational Research Review, 34.

  • Robinson, C. C., & Hullinger, H. (2008). New benchmarks in higher education: Student engagement in online learning. Journal of Education for Business, 84(2), 101–108.

  • Scott, M. L., & Nowlis, S. M. (2013). The effect of goal specificity on consumer goal reengagement. Journal of Consumer Research, 40, 444-459

  • Shin, N. (2003). Transactional presence as a critical predictor of success in distance learning. Distance Education, 24, 69–86.

  • Strang, K. D. (2016). Beyond engagement analytics: which online mixed-data factors predict student learning outcomes? Education and Information Technologies, 22(3), 917–937

  • Waheed, N. (2017). Effects of an online discussion forum on student engagement and learning in a first year undergraduate nursing unit: an action research study. GSTF Digital Library.

White Structure

Virtual whiteboards in tertiary education


Over many decades, blackboards and whiteboards have been a staple of most classrooms.  Educators primarily used blackboards, and later whiteboards, to display information to the entire class. 


In more recent decades, traditional whiteboards were replaced with electronic whiteboards, in which the contents could be saved and printed.  Because of this benefit, educators sometimes used whiteboards to promote collaboration between students.  Students might, for example, approach the whiteboard and contribute to a shared list, table, or diagram, generating some output, such as a plan on how to solve a problem. 


Since the proliferation of distant learning and virtual teams, software developers have created many virtual whiteboards.  These tools include Miro, Padlet, WikiWall, Linoit, Twidla, Trello, Rizzoma, Glogster, Goodnotes, and many other variations.  Like their physical counterparts, virtual whiteboards enable the educator to display information and to encourage collaboration between remote students.    Yet, educators who use these virtual whiteboards enjoy a range of additional benefits.  For example,


  • students can contribute to a project or display at any time of day (Bodnenko et al., 2020)—encouraging these individuals to contemplate their work and to iterate over time

  • students can blend a greater diversity of artefacts, such as text, photos, diagrams, videos, and sound bites (Bodnenko et al., 2020)

  • many of the templates that accompany these virtual whiteboards can demonstrate more effective techniques to collaborate and to teach students—such as Kanban

  • the contents of these virtual digital boards can be distributed to social media, increasing their exposure to students

  • virtual whiteboards enable students to collaborate on a project, although their individual contributions can still be recorded


Educators who access and utilize these virtual whiteboards can deploy many other techniques that promote student engagement and student learning.  These techniques include digital gamification (Cheng et al., 2014) and digital storytelling (Stewart & Gachago, 2016).


The features and capabilities of virtual whiteboards

To design useful discussions and collaborations with virtual whiteboards, educators need to be attuned to the various features or capabilities of these tools.  Bodnenko et al (2020) outlined some of the common features and capabilities of these virtual whiteboards, including


  • integration of text, images, illustrations, and videos, enabling individuals and teams to insert documents, html-code, and many other formats into the display

  • compatibility with other web services, enabling individuals and teams to disseminate the work they have developed to other sites, such as blog sides, social network pages, and QR codes.

  • unregistered collaborators, permitting individuals who have not set up an account to still collaborate on the whiteboard

  • chat boxes, enabling specific individuals to chat with each other online, separately from the team collaboration


As Bodnenko et al (2020) indicated, many of the tools that educators commonly use— Miro, Padlet, WikiWall, Linoit, Twidla, Trello, Rizzoma, and Glogster—do permit integration of text, images, illustrations, videos, and html and are compatible with other web services.  In addition,


  • most of the tools permit unregistered collaborators, although Glogster and Padlet are exceptions

  • however, few of the tools enable chats, besides Linoit, Twidla, and Rizzoma.


Similarly, Deckert et al. (2021) explored the extent to which common virtual whiteboards—such as Miro, Padlet, Mural, Collarboard, Conceptboard, Ideaboardz, Limnu, Lucidspark, Mindmeister, and Stormboard—include features or capabilities that facilitate creativity and innovation.  In particular, these authors examined the degree to which these whiteboards help teams, such as a cohort of students, collect ideas, sort ideas, develop ideas, evaluate ideas, document the results, and communicate the results.  To illustrate, according to Deckert et al. (2021)  


  • all these tools include templates or capabilities that enable teams to brainstorm

  • most of these tools, except Ideaboardz, Limnu, Mindmeister, and Padlet, include the Business Model Canvas, designed to help entrepreneurs record their unique selling proposition, customers, revenue streams, resources, activities, and partners.

  • most of these tools enable participants to shift the entries of other individuals and to arrange these entries into clusters—except Ideaboardz and Mindmeister

  • most of these tools enable participants to use symbols, such as emojis, likes, or points, to evaluate the ideas of colleagues—except Conceptboard and Limnu,  


Admittedly, some of the activities that students complete on virtual whiteboards could be completed in any platform, such as chat boxes or videoconference.  For example, one of the virtual boards, Miro, includes a template, called icebreakers, that is designed to foster relationships.  The template encourages participants to answer questions, such as


  • what is your favorite childhood movie or 80s movie

  • what is one item or band you could not live without

  • if you could eat only one food, what food would you chose

  • what is a challenge you overcame

  • to which one location would you like to travel

  • what is your unusual quirk or talent

  • who would you like to invite to dinner?


Nevertheless, this activity could be completed without the use of virtual boards.  In contrast, many of the other templates on Miro and other platforms are more useful if completed on a virtual board.  The following table outlines a limited subset of the numerous templates that accompany Miro and the benefits of these templates. 

Kanban boards
Agile management
Teams sort their work tasks into three columns: requested but not initiated, in progress, and completed. To illustrate, the leader might ask staff to complete a program evaluation. A card or note, labelled “program evaluation”, would be assigned to the first column. The staff member who commences this task would shift the note to the second column. And the staff member who completes this task would shift the note to the third column.
This simple template generates several benefits. First, this template helps teams introduce limited, incremental changes to their existing practices. Second, this template enables all staff to demonstrate some leadership and initiative, because they can suggest additional tasks and commence tasks, if appropriate, without the need to be instructed. Third, this template can help staff identify bottlenecks—tasks that are hard to complete and limit the capacity to initiate or complete other activities. This template is effective when combined with several rules or practices. Specifically, the number of tasks in progress must not exceed a specific number. In addition, each morning the team meet to examine the Kanban board and discuss how to complete the work most efficiently.
Swimlane diagram--see figure below
Project management
A swim lane diagram is like a flowchart, stipulating the tasks that a team need to complete. However, all the tasks that correspond to a particular role or person—such as the customer, sales assistant, and inventory manager—appear in separate rows, called swim lanes. The diamonds represent decision points.
Besides communicating the role of each person simply, swim lane diagrams enable teams to identify redundancies—such as two departments that complete the same role—as well as help distinct teams integrate their activities better
REAN template
Teams sort marketing activities and ideas into four categories: reach, engage, activate, and nurture. For example, activities that increase search-engine optimization improve reach. Webinars might engage the audience. Free trials could activate participation. And ongoing tutorials could nurture relationships with customers.
This template helps teams check their marketing activities not only attract interest but promote ongoing sales.
Quick retrospective
Agile management
After a team completes an unfamiliar task or project, individuals sort their reflections about this experience into four boxes. One box, called continue, comprises the practices that were effective and helpful. The second box, called stop, comprises the practices that impeded progress. The third box, called invent, comprises suggestions on how to improve performance in the future. The final box, called act, comprises recommendations on activities the team should implement almost immediately, such as fix bugs.
This template facilitate continuous improvement

Case study: Use of Padlet to collate insights

Bodnenko et al. (2020) outlined a course in which students used Padlet, one of the virtual whiteboards, to collaborate.   Indeed, the course revolved around how individuals can use Padlet in their professional lives.  For example, during this course, students


  • learned about the history, capabilities, benefits, and disadvantages of Padlet

  • learned about opportunities to use Padlet in their professional life, either now or in the future

  • completed 20 specific tasks on Padlet, helping these individuals master this tool, accompanied by explicit instructions

  • received a glossary of terms

  • completed tests that assess the knowledge of Padlet


To illustrate a practical exercise, students were assigned to small teams and asked to discuss a particular topic: how to develop online social networks that could assist their professional development.  Padlet generates a board that resembles a few large posters.  Each poster corresponds to a separate topic, such as social networks, social geo-services, joint creations, bookmarking social services, and so forth.  Students were instructed to attach posts or notes to each poster, to comment on the entries of peers, and to like or dislike these entries.  They could also suggest ideas to create other posters. 


Bodnenko et al. (2020) then conducted a study to assess the utility of these collaborations on Padlet. Specifically, in this study, 80 students complete standard tasks, designed to familiarize these individuals with virtual digital boards.  For example, these students


  • after registering, created a simple wall or digital board

  • granted a few peers access to this wall or board

  • added files, such as photos and portraits, to this wall—and changed the wallpaper or background

  • posted the wall on social media

  • changed some of the preferences, such as privacy settings


Another sample of 84 students completed the same activities but also engaged in collaborative tasks on Padlet.  Specifically, these students were instructed to solve a few problems collaboratively.  For example,


  • students received a problem, such as how to enhance the motivation of distant students

  • they completed activities on Padlet that clarify the benefits and drawbacks of various solutions; for example, they posted entries under various headings, such as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

  • they posted a solution or decision on Padlet


Finally, participants completed 10 tasks that were designed to assess their capacity to work effectively and collaboratively in small teams.  The students who had completed the collaborative tasks outperformed the other students, suggesting these collaborative tasks may improve the teamwork skills of students. 


Case study: Joint diagrams and summaries in immunology

Virtual whiteboards also enable students and their instructors to construct joint diagrams, frameworks, models, or summaries about a topic.  To illustrate, Reguera and Lopez (2021) presented a case study in which educators utilized a virtual whiteboard in a course on immunology.  Specifically, this virtual whiteboard application, called Goodnotes, enabled the educators and staff to construct online diagrams collaboratively.  These diagrams represented the interactions between the various cells, chemicals, events, and processes in the immune system.  To generate this diagram, the educator posed questions that help the students contribute to this diagram.  The diagram included various arrows, boxes, drawings, tables, and notes, sometimes overlayed or linked to images from textbooks and videos from various sources. Students could also use various colors to organize or classify the various features.  Each diagram corresponded to a specific topic, such as the activation of platelets.  These diagrams could also be downloaded after the class.


To assess the effects of this virtual whiteboard, after these sessions, 39 medical students completed a questionnaire, comprising 12 items, that measure their motivation and satisfaction with the experience, such as the degree to which they were satisfied with their interactions with peers and instructors. 


As Reguera and Lopez (2021) revealed, the students generally appreciated this experience.  For example, on a scale from 1 to 5


  • the average response to the item “I think my teacher showed great commitment making the transition of class to this distance mode” was 4.94 out of 5

  • the average response to the item “the digital whiteboard helped me to understand abstract concepts” was 4.83 of out 5

  • the average response to the item “I enjoyed the dynamics and interaction of developing diagrams in which my class was taught” was 4.81 out of 5

  • few students expressed concerns; for example, the average response to the item “Switching from the face-to-face diagram construction to a digital version of the whiteboard made it difficult for me to follow the course” was only 2.31 out of 5.


Case study: Logic models

Students can also use virtual whiteboards to populate a framework or template with specific information or data.  To illustrate, in a study that Campbell et al. (2019) reported, postgraduate students, enrolled in a social work course, utilized a virtual whiteboard to collaborate on an assignment or project.  This assignment revolved around logical models—frameworks that help a team of stakeholders plan or evaluate an intervention.  These frameworks stipulate the resources or inputs—as well as the activities these inputs enable, the processes these activities can improve, the outcomes or results of these improvements, and the strategic goals these outcomes fulfill.  Under the supervision of educators, students collaborated to generate one of these models, within a specific timeframe, on a virtual whiteboard.  They could include entries, such as possible inputs or outputs, as well as convey feedback to the entries of other students.     


After this experience, 81 students completed a survey in which they were prompted to characterize their experiences with this virtual whiteboard.  A subset of 9 students also attended an online focus group, in which they discussed the impact of this virtual whiteboard on their learning and engagement.  The surveys and focus groups generated comparable results.  Specifically


  • students felt they learned more effectively when engaged in a shared task, such as contributing to an online document or diagram

  • while engaged with the virtual whiteboard, students valued questions and prompts from the instructor that connected their task to the learning materials, such as the readings

  • students valued novel opportunities to collaborate in class—and virtual whiteboards tend to comprise enough templates and options to promote this novelty


Case study: Whiteboards in Microsoft Teams

Rather than utilize the various features and capabilities of specialized virtual whiteboards, some educators merely ask students to collaborate on the inbuilt whiteboards of many video conferencing platforms, such as Microsoft Teams. To illustrate, in the study that Fuchs (2021) reported, undergraduate students, enrolled in an online business course, utilized Microsoft Teams to interact.  At various times during the course, the instructor prompted the students to utilize the virtual whiteboard that is embedded in Teams. For example, students were invited to contribute to a drawing or diagram that summarizes a topic.  They could also use text, photos, or drawbacks to express their opinions or sentiments about the topic. 


After students completed the course, they answered questions on a survey, designed to gauge their experience with this virtual whiteboard.  As the results showed


  • the students tended to feel that, because of the virtual whiteboards, the classes were more interesting, enjoyable, fun, and active—generating a mean of 3.7 on a five-point scale

  • however, perceived ease of use was lower, suggesting the educators could have introduced the virtual whiteboard gradually so the technology is seamless and effortless to students

  • students in first year valued this technology less than students in third year.  


Future research

The research on virtual whiteboards in higher education is still limited.  Many questions have not been resolved definitively, such as


  • which students benefit most from virtual whiteboards

  • which tasks in virtual whiteboards are most likely to promote learning and collaboration

  • which tasks are more effective when completed in virtual whiteboards than in any other medium

  • what are the drawbacks or complications of virtual whiteboards?


  • Al-Qirim, N. (2011). Determinants of interactive white board success in teaching in higher education institutions. Computers & Education, 56(3), 827-838.

  • Benoit, A. (2018). Investigating the impact of interactive whiteboards in Higher Education. A Case Study. Journal of Learning Spaces, 7(1).

  • Bodnenko, D. M., Kuchakovska, H. A., Proshkin, V. V., & Lytvyn, O. S. (2020). Using a virtual digital board to organize student’s cooperative learning. CEUR Workshop Proceedings.

  • Campbell, M., Detres, M., & Lucio, R. (2019). Can a digital whiteboard foster student engagement? Social Work Education, 38(6), 735-752.

  • Cheng, M.-T., Su, T., Huang, W.-Y., & Chen, J.-H. (2014). An educational game for learning human immunology: What do students learn and how do they perceive? British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(5), 820–833.

  • Deckert, C., Mohya, A., & Suntharalingam, S. (2021). Virtual whiteboards & digital post-its-incorporating internet-based tools for ideation into engineering courses. SEFI conference.

  • Fuchs, K. (2021). Preparing students for success in a changing world: The role of virtual whiteboards in the modern classroom. Education Quarterly Reviews, 4(1).

  • Ivone, F. M., Jacobs, G. M., & Renandya, W. A. (2020). Far apart, yet close together: Cooperative learning in online education. Studies in English Language and Education, 7(2), 271-289.

  • Reguera, E. A. M., & Lopez, M. (2021). Using a digital whiteboard for student engagement in distance education. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 93.

  • Stewart, K., & Gachago, D. (2016). Being human today: A digital storytelling pedagogy for transcontinental border crossing. British Journal of Educational Technology, 47(3), 528–542.

White Structure

Rapport between instructors and students

Over many years, scholars have alluded to the importance of strong rapport between educators—such as teachers or lectures—and students.  However, only in more recent decades has the role of rapport been corroborated in research.  In general, this rapport is positively associated with student motivation and grades (e.g., Wilson, Ryan, & Pugh, 2010)


Measures, manifestations, and benefits of rapport

Wilson, Ryan, and Pugh (2010) conducted research to ascertain the precise features or manifestations of rapport in tertiary education.  Specifically, these authors defined rapport as mutual trust and liking between students and their professors.  The researchers then invited undergraduate students to specify, in their opinion, the features or attributes of relationships between students and professors that create rapport or could be utilized to measure rapport. 


The researchers then analyzed the responses to generate a scale, comprising 34 items, that measure rapport between students and their professors.  These items assessed the degree to which a professor cares about students and is willing to devote extra time to offer assistance, is enthusiastic, is receptive to disclosures and discussions, is considerate, thoughtful, and understanding, is respectful, is friendly and approachable, is reliable, and is fair.  The items also gauged the extent to which students often visit, email, or interact with a professor.


This study also showed that rapport predicted many beneficial outcomes.  For example, rapport was positively associated with motivation in class, the degree to which the students felt they learned effectively during the class, and actual grades.  These relationships persisted even after controlling immediacy—reflecting the degree to which the professor seems available and attentive to the class, such as watching the audience while speaking or praising individuals. 


A subsequent report, published by Wilson and Ryan (2013), showed that six items in particular strongly predicted outcomes, such as final grades and motivation. These questions revolved around the engagement of students—and included items that measure the degree to which professors encourage questions and comments from students as well as the degree to which the classes are enjoyable.    


Researchers have also developed and utilized other measures of empathy between instructors and students.  Lammers, Gillaspy, and Hancock (2017), for example, administered a scale that comprises nine items.  Typical items include “Your instructor communicates effectively with you” and “Your instructor understands you”.  Rapport early in the semester, midway during the semester, and later in the semester were all positively related to the final grade. 


In this study, some participants reported decreasing levels of rapport across the semester, and some participants reported stable or increasing levels of rapport across the semester.  Interestingly, the students who reported decreasing levels of rapport across the semester tended to receive the lowest grades.


Accounts to explain the benefits of rapport

Lammers, Gillaspy, and Hancock (2017) reviewed the literature to distil the various reasons that rapport between professors and students is positively associated with student learning.  First, rapport might inspire engagement with the learning materials.  Second, rapport might increase the extent that students feel confident they can resolve any problems that arise, manifesting as self-efficacy.  Accordingly, these students tend to be more persistent in response to the inevitable challenges that learning can elicit (e.g., Pajares & Urdan, 2006).  Third, at least in some instances, student learning may promote rapport instead of vice versa. That is, as their grades improve, students might ascribe some of this improvement to their instructor.  They become more likely to perceive their instructor favorably. 


Other studies ascribe the benefits of rapport to communication.  For instance, in some research that Heffernan et al. (2009) reported, participants completed a questionnaire that comprised items that gauge rapport, such as “the lecturer was approachable”, dynamism, such as “the lecturer was dynamic when teaching the subject”, applied knowledge, such as “The lecturer used real world examples”, communication, such as “The lecturer communicated ideas effectively”, and teaching effectiveness, such as “I learned a great deal from this lecturer”.


Rapport, as well as dynamism, applied knowledge, and communication were all positively associated with teacher effectiveness.  However, after communication was controlled, rapport was no longer positively related to teacher effectiveness.  Indeed, the direct association between rapport and teacher effectiveness was negative.  These findings indicate that rapport corresponds to more effective, engaging, and unambiguous communication.   Other studies also indicate the correspondence between rapport and communication (e.g., Faranda & Clarke, 2004). 


Online rapport

The research on rapport between instructors and students was first conducted in classes that were conducted in person.  More recent studies, such as the work of Flanigan et al. (2022), explored rapport during online classes.  In this study, the researchers conducted 19 phenomenological interviews to explore how instructors both initiate and maintain rapport in online, asynchronous classes. 


During the first weeks of the semester, these instructors utilised various strategies such as connecting, information sharing, and common grounding behaviors to initiate rapport with their students. Connecting entailed more informal comments, such as humour, informal conversations with students, and self-disclosure.  Information sharing revolved around unambiguous communication of policies, procedures, and expectations, epitomized by weekly email reminders, discussing the learning objectives of each lesson, and an unambiguous syllabus.  Common grounding behaviors referred to the capacity to identify similarities between students and instructors, such as asking students about their goals or interests and then disclosing any overlap with themselves.  


In the later weeks of the semester, these instructors shifted their behaviours to maintain rapport. They utilised attentive and courteous behaviors while providing learners with personalized instruction.  Attentive behaviors are designed to show more genuine and personal interest in the students, such as alluding to students by name, offering praise, and responding to emails promptly.   Finally, courtesy entails openness to questions, compassion, and permitting reasonable flexibility.  



Although most studies have verified the benefits of rapport between instructors and students, Adeyele and Yusuff (2012) did suggest that some caveats should be considered.  In particular, although Adeyele and Yusuff (2012) showed that rapport was positively associated with grades, they suggested that strong relationship between students and their instructors can evoke a few problems.  For example, as rapport and trust mounts, students might feel, on some level, they may be able to pass a course while conserving their effort—a belief they refer to as a moral hazard.  This belief can diminish motivation and learning.


Development of rapport

Fewer studies have explored how instructors can develop rapport with students.  A key exception was reported by Sybing (2019).  In essence, Sybing described a case study, demonstrating how a writing teacher would often validate the response, efforts, and participation of students as well as manage the differences in identity between the teacher and student.  For examples, students were encouraged to refer to the instructor by their first name. 


Even subtle cues may affect rapport.  For example, in a study that Slabbert (2019) reported, university students in South Africa were exposed to photographs of various lecturers, only some of whom were dressed professionally.  Interestingly, participants assumed they would develop a stronger rapport with lecturers dressed professionally.  They also perceived these lecturers as more credible, organized, and fair.            


Development of rapport: Empathic accuracy

To maintain rapport, instructors may also benefit from empathic accuracy—or the capacity to decipher the needs, emotions, and intentions of other people (Ickes, 1993) and is similar to the concept of mind reading.  To some degree, empathic accuracy does depend on characteristics of people that cannot be readily modified.          For example, women tend to exhibit greater empathic accuracy than men—but only when participants are aware the task measures empathic accuracy and participants were prompted to consider their gender (Ickes, Gesn, & Graham, 2000).  Similarly, as Ronay and Carney (2012) demonstrated, elevated testosterone, as measured in saliva samples, tends to be inversely associated with the capacity of people to decipher the needs and emotions of other people.


Although empathic accuracy does vary across individuals, people can apply strategies or techniques to improve empathic accuracy. To illustrate, as Todd, Hanko, Galinsky, and Mussweiler (2011) revealed, when people orient their attention to the differences between themselves and other individuals, they are often more inclined to adopt the perspective of someone else, improving empathic accuracy. Presumably, when individuals are attuned to these differences, they appreciate their own perspective might be limited rather than universal.  Therefore, they become more sensitive to other individuals. 


In one study, participants were exposed to pairs of pictures. For each pair, they were asked to identify either three similarities or three differences between each picture, intended to orient attention to similarities or differences respectively. Next, participants observed a photograph of a person sitting at a table, facing in their direction. On one side of the table was a bottle and on the other side was a book. Participants were asked to specify on which side was the book. If participants had considered differences between photographs, their answer was usually from the perspective of the person in this photograph. They answered "left" if the book was on the left side of the person, for example.



  • Adeyele, J. S., & Yusuff, Y. S. (2012). Effect of teaching method, choice of discipline and student-lecturer relationship on academic performance. Journal of economics and sustainable development, 3(7), 1-7.

  • Faranda, W. T., & Clarke, I., III (2004). Student observations of outstanding teaching: Implications for marketing educators.  Journal of Marketing Education, 26, 271-281

  • Flanigan, A. E., Akcaoglu, M., & Ray, E. (2022). Initiating and maintaining student-instructor rapport in online classes. The Internet and Higher Education, 53.

  • Heffernan, T., Morrison, M., Sweeney, A., & Jarratt, D. (2009). Personal attributes of effective lecturers: The importance of dynamism, communication, rapport and applied knowledge. International Journal of Management, 8(3), 1-25.

  • Ickes, W. (1993). Empathic accuracy. Journal of Personality, 61, 587-609.

  • Ickes, W. (2001). Measuring empathic accuracy. In J. A. Hall & F. J. Bernieri (Eds.), Interpersonal sensitivity: Theory and measurement (pp. 219-241). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

  • Ickes, W. (2003). Everyday mind reading: Understanding what other people think and feel. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.

  • Ickes, W., & Simpson, J. A. (2001). Motivational aspects of empathic accuracy. In G. J. O. Fletcher & M. S. Clark (Eds.). Blackwell handbook of social psychology: Interpersonal processes (pp. 229-249). Malden, MA: Blackwell.

  • Ickes, W., Buysse, A., Pham, H., Rivers, K., Erikson, J. R., & Hancock, M. et al. (2000). On the difficulty of distinguishing "good" and "poor" perceivers: A social relations analysis of empathic accuracy data. Personal Relationships, 7, 219-234.

  • Ickes, W., Dugosh, J. W., Simpson, J. A., & Wilson, C. L. (2003). Suspicious minds: The motive to acquire relationship-threatening information. Personal Relationships, 10, 131-148.

  • Ickes, W., Gesn, P. R., & Graham, T. (2000). Gender differences in empathic accuracy: Differential ability or differential motivation? Personal Relationships, 7, 95-110.

  • Lammers, W. J., Gillaspy, J. A., Jr., & Hancock, F. (2017). Predicting academic success with early, middle, and late semester assessment of student-instructor rapport. Teaching of Psychology, 44(2), 145–149.

  • Pajares, F., Urdan, T. (2006). Self-efficacy and adolescents. New York, NY: Information Age Publishing.

  • Pianta, R. C. (2001). Student-teacher relationship scale. Lutz, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources.

  • Ronay, R., & Carney, D. R. (2012). Testosterone’s negative relationship with empathic accuracy and perceived leadership ability. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 4, 92-99.

  • Slabbert, A. (2019). Lecturer dress code and student perceptions of lecturer professional attributes. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 29(2), 176-181.

  • Sybing, R. (2019). Making connections: Student-teacher rapport in higher education classrooms: Student-teacher rapport in higher education classrooms. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 19(5).

  • Wilson, J. H., Ryan, R. G. (2013). Professor-student rapport scale: Six items predict student outcomes. Teaching of Psychology, 40, 130–133.

  • Wilson, J. H., Ryan, R. G., Pugh, J. L. (2010). Professor-student rapport scale predicts student outcomes. Teaching of Psychology, 37, 246–251.

White Structure

Sense of belonging in the classroom


Some, but not all, students feel a sense of belonging to their class, campus, or institution.   That is, they feel like a vital member of their community. This sense of belonging is crucial, increasing the degree to which students feel motivated, achieve their goals, and persist in response to challenges.  Fortunately, institutions can introduce a range of practices to foster this sense of belonging.


Benefits of sense of belonging

Many studies have verified the benefits of this sense of belonging.  For example, Hausmann et al. (2007) revealed that sense of belonging was positively associated with the degree that students persist in their course.  Sense of belonging was still associated with persistence after controlling race, gender, financial problems, SAT scores, peer support, parent support, and other social measures.


Importantly, this sense of belonging enhances this persistence in students who are often perceived as at risk of withdrawal rather than completion. For example, studies reveal that sense of belonging is positively related to persistence in African-American women (Booker, 2016) and in women who are majoring STEM ((Banchefsky et al., 2019; Solanki et al. 2019)


Furthermore, sense of belonging does not only enhance persist in populations at risk, but also improves other outcomes. For example, as Glass and Westmont (2014) revealed, a sense of belonging significantly improved the grades of international students.  This sense of belonging is vital to international students who need to manage the same academic challenges as their domestic counterparts, but without access to the same level of support or familiarity with the culture.


Similarly, sense of belonging also improves the degree to which students feel engaged in their studies, especially in populations at risk.  For instance, Gillen-O’Neel (2019) revealed that sense of belonging was positively associated with engagement. This association, however, was especially pronounced in students whose family had not studied at university before.  These students often feel isolated, because they differ from their peers in their previous experiences and perspectives.  


Several theories could explain the benefits that sense of belonging can promote.  First, when individuals experience a sense of belonging, they inherently feel they may receive the assistance they need to resolve challenges and impediments.  That is, their self-efficacy or confidence might increase.  Consequently, they are more likely to persist in response to challenges rather than feel resigned.  Consistent with this possibility, Freeman et al. (2007) revealed that sense of belonging is indeed associated with academic self-efficacy.


Second, when people experience a sense of belonging, they tend to perceive their activities as meaningful.  That is, they appreciate how the tasks they complete are not merely isolated pursuits but can affect and shape the lives of other people.  Indeed, Lambert et al (2013) revealed that a sense of belonging is one of the cardinal sources of meaning in life.  Indeed, Schnell et al. (2013) defined meaning as a sense of coherence, direction, significance, and belonging.  Students who experience a sense of belonging, therefore, may perceive their studies as inherently more meaningful, valuable, and motivating.  This premise has been corroborated: Freeman et al. (2007) revealed that sense of belonging is positively associated with the value that students attach to their studies and intrinsic motivation at university.  This theory could also explain why sense of belonging is associated with the degree to which students feel engaged with the learning materials (Wilson et al. 2015)


Third, sense of belonging corresponds to one of three basic needs of individuals, as stipulated by self-determination theory: relatedness.  The other basic needs revolve around competence and autonomy.  When individuals feel their basic needs are fulfilled, they are more likely to experience intrinsic motivation (Ryan & Deci, 2017).) instead of external motivation or no motivation.  That is, in this state, they do not feel the need to override their natural tendencies—a need that can deplete their energy and compromise their persistence.  In one study, autonomy, competence, and relationship needs were manipulated experimentally. These manipulations tended to affect intrinsic motivation as well as mood (Sheldon & Filak, 2008).


Conditions and characteristics that promote a sense of belonging

Research has explored the experiences outside the classroom that affect this sense of belonging to the institution. For instance, Hurtado and Carter (1997) examined the determinants of sense of belonging of Latino students in a US tertiary education.  As this study demonstrated, when students could discuss the learning materials and content of their course outside the class, they experienced a greater sense of belonging.  Likewise, students who belonged to the same community organizations as peers also experienced this sense of belonging. Inevitable, students who experienced a hostile racial climate reported lower levels of belonging.


The behavior of teachers can also enhance the sense of belonging that students feel towards the class.  Kirby and Thomas (2022) explored this possibility. This study revealed several behaviours of teachers that are especially likely to promote this sense of belonging in the classroom.  First, caring and supportive teachers promoted this sense of belonging and also improved learning--such as teachers who accept legitimate excuses and are available before or after classes to answer questions.  Second, teachers who seemed professional also promoted this sense of belonging and enhanced learning, such as teachers who established clear rules, maintain classroom order, and spoke in a strong voice. 


Other studies also imply that supportive teachers might foster a sense of belonging in university students.  As Freeman et al. revealed (2007), a sense of belonging is positively associated with the extent to which the instructor is perceived as warm and open.  


Experimental interventions that promote a sense of belonging

Some researchers have also introduced procedures that are designed to foster a sense of belonging in students.  In one study, conducted by Hausmann et al. (2007), some student participants were assigned to an intervention that was designed to promote a sense of belonging.  To illustrate, these students received written communication from senior administrators of the university—such as the Provost.  This communication underscored the extent to which the students are valued members of this university community.  The communication also indicated their response to the student survey would be considered carefully and utilized to improve the campus.  Finally, they receive small gifts they could use daily that displayed the name, logo, and colors of this university, such as magnets, stickers, or decals.


This intervention did improve sense of belonging.  In particular, sense of belonging tended to decline across the semester—but this pattern was not observed to the same extent in students who were assigned to the intervention. 


Measures to gauge sense of belonging

Researchers have administered several measures to gauge sense of belonging.  To illustrate, Hurtado and Carter (1997) administered one simple measure, comprising three items.  The items are “I see myself as a part of the campus community”, “I feel that I am a member of the campus community”, and “I feel a sense of belonging to the campus community”.  Cronbach’s alpha was .94.


Alternative measures have been applied.  For example, in the study conducted by Gillen-O’Neel, (2021), participants also answered three questions.  First, they indicated, on a 7-point scale, the extent to which the feel they fit with their university or college right now. Second, they indicated, also on a 7-point scale, the degree to which they feel welcome at their university or college right now.  Finally, they indicated the degree to which they felt like a real part of their university or college.


Overarching theories

Researchers have proposed some theories that integrate both the antecedents and consequences of sense of belonging.  One of these models was delineated, examined, and verified by Zumbrunn et al. (2014).  According to this framework, called the revised model of classroom support for motivation, a supportive classroom environment fosters a sense of belonging.  That is, some teachers, in primary, secondary, and tertiary education, can inspire students to collaborate and assist one another. This collaboration may instil a sense of belonging


This sense of belonging can instil self-efficacy—the confidence to complete academic tasks—and task value—the perceived significance of their studies.  That is, when students feel their peers are supportive, they feel more confidence they can garner the support they need to address challenges.  Likewise, when students experience a sense of belonging, they feel more engaged in their studies rather than distracted and anxious, instilling a sense of meaning and significance.


This self-efficacy and task value increased the degree to which students immerse themselves in their task.  In contrast, if self-efficacy is limited, students are not as sure this investment of effort will be beneficial, compromising immersion and engagement.  Finally, this immersion and engagement should enhance learning and grades. 


To assess this model, Zumbrunn et al. administered a questionnaire to over 200 undergraduate students at a Mid-western university in the US.  The questionnaire measured the extent to which the classroom environment was supportive as well as sense of belonging, academic self-efficacy, task value, engagement, and academic achievement in the students. Structural equation modelling verified the model, CFI = .97; RMSEA = .09.



  • Banchefsky, S., Lewis, K. L., & Ito, T. A. (2019). The role of social and ability belonging in men’s and women’s pSTEM persistence. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.

  • Booker, K. (2016). Connection and commitment: How sense of belonging and classroom community influence degree persistence for African American undergraduate women. International journal of teaching and learning in higher education, 28(2), 218-229.

  • Freeman, T. M., Anderman, L. H., & Jensen, J. M. (2007). Sense of belonging in college freshmen at the classroom and campus levels. The Journal of Experimental Education, 75(3), 203-220.

  • Gillen-O’Neel, C. (2021). Sense of belonging and student engagement: A daily study of first-and continuing-generation college students. Research in Higher Education, 62(1), 45-71.

  • Glass, C. R., & Westmont, C. M. (2014). Comparative effects of belongingness on the academic success and cross-cultural interactions of domestic and international students. International journal of intercultural relations, 38, 106-119.

  • Hausmann, L. R., Schofield, J. W., & Woods, R. L. (2007). Sense of belonging as a predictor of intentions to persist among African American and White first-year college students. Research in higher education, 48(7), 803-839.

  • Hausmann, L. R., Ye, F., Schofield, J. W., & Woods, R. L. (2009). Sense of belonging and persistence in White and African American first-year students. Research in Higher Education, 50(7), 649-669.

  • Hurtado, S., & Carter, D. F. (1997). Effects of college transition and perceptions of the campus racial climate on Latino college students' sense of belonging. Sociology of eEucation, 324-345.

  • Keeley, J., Smith, D., & Buskist, W. (2006). The Teacher Behaviors Checklist: Factor analysis of its utility for evaluating teaching. Teaching of Psychology, 33(2), 84-91.

  • Kirby, L. A., & Thomas, C. L. (2022). High-impact teaching practices foster a greater sense of belonging in the college classroom. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 46(3), 368-381.                    

  • Lambert, N. M., Stillman, T. F., Hicks, J. A., Kamble, S., Baumeister, R. F., & Fincham, F. D. (2013). To belong is to matter: sense of belonging enhances meaning in life. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39, 1418-1427.

  • Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2017). Self-determination theory: Basic psychological needs in motivation, development, and wellness. Guilford Publications.

  • Schnell, T., Hoge, T., & Pollet, E. (2013). Predicting meaning in work: Theory, data, implications. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 8, 543-554.

  • Sheldon, K. M., & Filak, V. (2008). Manipulating autonomy, competence, and relatedness support in a game‐learning context: New evidence that all three needs matter. British Journal of Social Psychology, 47(2), 267-283.

  • Solanki, S., McPartlan, P., Xu, D., & Sato, B. K. (2019). Success with EASE: Who benefits from a STEM learning community?. PloS one, 14(3), e0213827.

  • Tinto, V. (2005). Reflections on retention and persistence: institutional actions on behalf of student persistence. Studies in Learning, Evaluation, Innovation, and Development, 2,89–97.

  • Wilson, D., Jones, D., Bocell, F., Crawford, J., Kim, M. J., Veilleux, N., ... & Plett, M. (2015). Belonging and academic engagement among undergraduate STEM students: A multi-institutional study. Research in Higher Education, 56(7), 750-776.

  • Zumbrunn, S., McKim, C., Buhs, E., & Hawley, L. R. (2014). Support, belonging, motivation, and engagement in the college classroom: A mixed method study. Instructional Science, 42(5), 661-684.

White Structure

Gamification and games in tertiary education


To improve learning, educators often introduce games in the classroom, often competitions that are designed to simulate particular jobs or roles.  Other educators may introduce specific features of games, such as levels, badges, leader boards, and rewards, into other activities, called gamification.  Although games differ from gamification, both of these approaches are designed to motivate and to engage students.


Introduction: Features or elements of games

Huang et al. (2020) differentiated 14 features or elements of games that can be applied in educational settings, including tertiary education.  These features or elements include


  • quests or missions, in which the overall game is divided into specific tasks that users or students must complete

  • points or experience points, in which users earn some token or score whenever they complete relevant tasks, to track their progress

  • badges and awards, in which, rather than merely points, users earn specific rewards after completing some designated task—such as helping a peer—that convey their status

  • leaderboards, in which the ranking of users on some metric, such as points, is visually displayed

  • a narrative, in which the quests or tasks, are integrated into a story or setting that clarifies the significance of some goal and how to achieve some goal

  • customized avatars, in which users can choose the features or characteristics of their virtual character to personalize their experience

  • adaptivity and personalization, in which users receive customized messages or feedback, in response to their behaviors

  • nonlinear navigation, in which users can choose one of multiple pathways to complete some task or quest rather than need to follow one sequence

  • competition, in which users may need to respond to the actions of other individuals and compete to secure a limited resource

  • responsive feedback, in which users are informed each time they fulfill some milestone

  • performance graphs, in which the performance or progress of a user is displayed visually

  • timed, in which the user must complete a task, such as solve a puzzle, within a specific time, often to instill a sense of urgency or pressure

  • levels and advancement, in which the user progresses through various levels of proficiency, such as easy, medium, and hard, as they complete quests or tasks

  • collaboration, in which multiple users or students need to communicate to complete specific quests or tasks


In their meta-analysis of 30 studies, each exploring whether gamified settings benefit students more than other settings, Huang et al. (2020) examined which of these 14 features and elements are most beneficial to learning.  That is, the researchers determined the effect size that corresponds to impact of each element on student learning, as measured by tests or similar assessments.  This analysis uncovered some vital insights, although the results are not specific to tertiary education.  For example


  • gamification tended to be marginally, although not significantly, more effective when leaderboards were removed rather than included—perhaps because these leaderboards might foster excessive comparison or pressure, diminishing the degree to which students are absorbed in the task

  • badges and awards did not significantly enhance the benefits of gamification; these provisions, unlike points, are not essential or may consume time and, therefore, could be omitted

  • similarly, timed activities and performance graphs did not affect the benefits of gamification

  • responsive feedback, collaboration, and quests did enhance the benefits of gamification.


Although the results indicate that specific elements or features are seldom beneficial, gamification in general did tend to improve students learning. The effect size was between small and medium. 


Case study: Gamification in a computer science course

To illustrate the benefits of gamification, Laskowski (2014) presented a case study that embedded a range of gamification principles into a computer science course, in which 62 students were enrolled, completed in one semester, at a technical university.  The aim of this case study was to explore the effect of various gamification principles or techniques on student engagement and performance.  Only half of the students were exposed to gamified techniques, such as points, badges and leaderboards.  Specifically, the students could accrue points whenever they attended classes or completed specific projects, homework, or tests.  Although some of these tasks were mandatory, students accrued more points if they attempted the more advanced and extensive variant of each activity. Students could then earn additional points if they achieved other specific goals.  For example


  • they could receive 25 points if they identified an error or bug in the instructions the lecture presented and 50 points if they identified an error or bug in the code the lecturer provided

  • their total was increased by 5% if they scored 100% on a test or attended every class

  • their total was increased by 1% if they surprised the lecturer favorably.  


These points were then converted to grades.  The students who were not exposed to gamified techniques received grades but without reference to this assignment of points.


The results corroborated the benefits of gamification.  For example, if students were exposed to gamification


  • they were more inclined to attend classes

  • they were more likely to complete homework activities


However, the students who were exposed to gamification did not receive higher grades. Indeed, grades were higher in the students who were not exposed to gamification.


Case study: Gamification in flipped classrooms

Gamification can enhance grades in some circumstances.  For example, Yildirim (2017) explored whether gamification complemented flipped classrooms, in which students utilized online materials to learn topics outside classes and subsequently discussed these topics in classes.  The participants were 97 students, enrolled at a Turkish university, completing a course in mathematics education.  Participants were randomly assigned to one of two classes, only one of which was exposed to gamification.  That is, although all students completed the same activities—such as blogging, discussion groups, reviews of articles, and quizzes—these exercises were gamified in only one of the two classes.


To gamify the classes, students were informed the course is a game.  To illustrate the gamified features


  • students could only access some tasks after they completed other tasks

  • some of the tasks were optional

  • students received points, medals, trophies, or badges depending on their progress, and these rewards were converted to levels, such as apprentice, assistant master, and master, as well as to grades

  • students could earn points if they completed various tasks proficiently, such as online blogs, and participated in class activities

  • students could earn some rewards, such as special badges or medals, when they assisted colleagues, contributed to teamwork, or completed a variety of optional tasks

  • leaderboards enabled students to monitor the levels, medals, trophies, and badges of colleagues


Gamification did benefit students.  For example, if students attended the gamified classes, they were more likely to enjoy the course and received higher grades on the exam, even after controlling measures of knowledge that preceded the classes.  


Case study: Gamification that promoted competition between teams

Some gamified settings encourage competition between teams of students.  To illustrate this competition, Burkey et al. (2013) delineated a gamified capstone laboratory in which students were divided into teams.  The teams competed with each other to accumulate the most points and receive a prize.  A detailed rubric specified the activities that students could attempt or complete to earn points.  Some activities, especially collaborative tasks, would enable the team, but not the individual students, to earn points.       


Although participation in the game was optional, all students participated in at least some of these discretionary activities.  Although the top students tended to participate the most, the degree to which other students participated was not strongly associated with grades—a pattern that indicates the game attracted most students, regardless of their capabilities.  Students tended to enjoy the game, indicating this technique prompted contemplation.  The students also recommended this approach should be applied to future courses.      


Case study: Gamification and levels

Barata et al. (2013) introduced a range of gamification principles, such as challenges, scoring, badges, levels, and leaderboards, to a Masters course.  The authors examined whether this gamified course was more likely than was the equivalent course last year, but without gamification, to improve the satisfaction, motivation, and attendance of online students as well as proactive exploration of the course materials,  


This Master of Science course lasted one semester.  In one year, students completed five quizzes, a multimedia presentation, lab classes, and a final exam as well as received marks when they participated online and attended classes.  In the subsequent year, students completed the same activities, but these activities were embedded in a gamified setting and conceptualized as special challenges to complete.   After students completed these challenges, they earned XP or experience points.  Whenever they earned a certain number of points, they progressed to the next level.  Each level was assigned a distinct name, such as “Knowledge pilgrim” or “Science god”.  They could only gain points rather than lose points.  Students could also receive badges in response to specific activities, such as locating helpful resources or identifying errors in the materials.  These challenges and activities were simple at the start of this course and progressively harder as the course unfolded.


Students could access the leaderboard on Moodle.  The leaderboard presented the rank, photo, name, campus, number of points, level, and badges of each student.  If students clicked a specific peer, they could determine the sequence of activities these individuals completed—information that could facilitate their own progress.  Excel macros were developed to calculate the points, levels, and outcomes, whereas a python script was utilized to generate the leaderboard webpage.


Compared to the students who were not exposed to gamification, students exposed to gamification enjoyed a range of benefits.  These students were


  • more likely to download extensive materials

  • more inclined to submit posts, such as answers to questions or suggestions to other students

  • more likely to attend lectures

  • more likely to perceive the course as motivating—but felt the course demanded more work

  • inclined to engage in deep learning, because they indicated they engaged in the materials not only to improve marks

  • not, however, more likely to receive higher grades


The students did suggest a few improvements to the game.  For example, they recommended the use of avatars and more competitions—especially competitions between teams. 


Prevalence and use of games and gamification

Games and gamification, although useful in tertiary education, are not ubiquitous.  Wiggins (2016) explored how digital and other games, gamification, and simulations are applied in tertiary education.  For example, the study was designed to examine how educators utilize gamification and games to assess students and to engage students. In this study, 48 instructors, employed at tertiary education institutions in Arkansas, completed surveys.  


The survey revealed that about only 27% of participants had utilized digital games to facilitate student learning, such as online games, computer games, or consoles. However, 56% of these participants had utilized other games, such as card games or board games.  The instructors were appreciably more inclined to utilize these games in traditional classrooms rather than online classes.


In addition, only about half the participants were familiar with the notion of gamification.  Yet, most participants were familiar with how features of games—such as levels, points, badges, leaderboards, multiple attempts, narratives, and so forth—can be applied in classes, but had not used the term gamification to refer to these strategies.  Only a small percentage of instructors, however, had used games or gamification in either formative or summative assessment.   Future research is warranted to explore whether the use of games or gamification has increased over time as well as the determinants of this use. 


Effects of gamification: Benefits

Ortiz et al. (2016) conducted a systematic review of 30 studies that have explored whether gamification enhances student learning, attendance, or attitudes in STEM.  Studies were included in this review if


  • the keywords included gamify or gamification

  • the participants were students, enrolled in tertiary education, at either an undergraduate or postgraduate level

  • the course was in STEM rather than medicine, business, IT, or humanities

  • the study was empirical and compared students exposed to gamification with a suitable control or baseline


About half these studies revealed a positive effect of gamification on student learning, attendance, or attitudes.  In only one study, did gamification tend to compromise student learning, attendance, or attitudes overall—although just under half the studies revealed mixed results, in which gamification generated both positive effects and negative effects.   Specifically


  • several research studies have shown that gamification—such as the introduction of points, badges, challenges, and leaderboards—enhances student engagement (Akpolat & Slany, 2014; de Sousa Monteiro et al., 2016; Foster et al., 2012; Iosup & Epema, 2014; Leong & Luo, 2011; Pirker et al., 2014) as well as attendance (Caton & Greenhill, 2013 & O'Donovan et al., 2013)

  • Berkling and Thomas (2013) reported the only study that showed gamification, including leaderboards, points, challenges, and levels, diminished engagement and did not improve other measures or outcomes

  • a few studies revealed that gamification enhanced student grades, performance, or achievement (Cadavid & Gómez, 2015; Caton & Greenhill, 2013; Foster et al., 2012; Ibanez et al., 2014; Sousa-Vieira et al., 2015)

  • gamification can also improve the acquisition of specific capabilities, such as the capacity to solve problems effectively (O'Donovan et al., 2013)

Effects of gamification: Potential complications

These mixed findings do not imply that educators should not embrace gamification but suggest these individuals should be attuned to some of the potential complications.  To illustrate these complications, after they revealed that gamification compromised student engagement, Berkling and Thomas (2013) considered some of the potential causes of this observation.  This course embedded several gamification principles, such as points, challenges, levels, and leaderboards.  Vaadin, a platform that users can utilize to build web apps, was utilized to develop the application.  This platform, although simple to use, is not aesthetically pleasing.  In this course,


  • students needed to decide which two of three tasks they would complete, each corresponding to a distinct topic

  • the platform displayed visual data to indicate the degree to which they have progressed on these tasks

  • the display also specified which other students are attempting these tasks and enables collaboration

  • students could receive points if they helped peers

  • after they have completed two tasks, students could then participate in teams to work on other projects, representing levels

  • students assumed a persona or character, such as whether they prefer to optimize their grades or apply theory, that affects whether they will be chosen by peers to establish a team


After interviewing students, the authors realized that


  • students may be more familiar with traditional classroom formats and reluctant to change

  • students perceived the gamification as an unhelpful and thus potentially an impediment to their studies, suggesting that perhaps gamification needs to be introduced gradually and seamlessly


Effects of gamification: Underlying theories

Researchers and other scholars have proposed many theories to explain the benefits of gamification, such as self-determination theory and social cognitive theory.  Krath et a. (2020) conducted a systematic review to uncover all the theories that researchers have invoked to explain gamification principles.  This review uncovered 118 theories, although many of these theories were invoked in only one paper.  The theories that researchers utilized most frequently included self-determination theory, flow theory, experiential learning theory, constructivist learning theory, cognitive load theory, and situated learning theory.


Some of the theories—such as self-determination theory, flow theory, the ARCS model, goal-setting theory, and achievement goal theory—delineate how gamification principles can promote motivation and foster helpful emotions.  For example, self-determination theory assumes that people feel intrinsically motivated to complete tasks that enhance their feelings of competence, facilitate relationships, or instill a sense of autonomy (e.g., Ryan & Deci, 2000).  Therefore, gamified courses that enable students to gradually accrue capabilities, collaborate with peers, and grant choices on how to proceed should be especially motivating.


Flow theory revolves around the notion that, in particular circumstances, such as during tasks in which individuals need to apply their advanced skills to complete a task, people experience a state of flow (e.g., Csikszentmihalyi, 2013).  In this state, individuals feel entirely absorbed in their task and also experience intrinsic motivation—the urge to complete the activity merely to experience pleasure or challenge rather than to attract some reward or recognition.  In principle, gamification in education settings could promote flow if the tasks are sufficiently challenging but feasible.  However, research has not established which gamification principles evoke this sense of flow.


According to the ARCS model, the motivation of individuals is primarily dependent on their attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction (Keller, 1987).  That is, when a task captures the attention of people and seems relevant to their future, these individuals perceive this activity as valuable.  In addition, when individuals feel confident they can complete the task and believe they will feel this completion will elicit a sense of satisfaction, the probability this activity will generate success increases.  This combination of value and success tends to promote motivation. 


Goal-setting theory emanates from the observation that individuals tend to perform more effectively when they set challenging, specific goals than simple, ambiguous goals.  These challenging, specific goals are especially likely to enhance performance in particular circumstances—such as when individuals feel committed to this goal and feel confident they can achieve this goal, receive feedback on their performance, and feel excited (e.g., Locke, E. A., & Latham, 2002).  Thus, in gamified settings, if the tasks are challenging but unambiguous, if students must commit to specific tasks, and if the students receive ongoing feedback to facilitate their progress, they are more likely to excel.  


According to achievement goal theory, at some times, individuals are especially motivated to develop their capabilities, called a mastery orientation.  At other times, individuals are especially motivated to demonstrate their capabilities, called a performance orientation.  In addition, for each motivation, individuals may be more inspired either to avoid failure or to facilitate achievement.  These motivations affect the learning and behavior of individuals.  For example, when individuals experience a mastery orientation, coupled with an urge to facilitate achievement, they are especially likely to embrace challenges and to learn from these challenges (e.g., Elliot & McGregor, 2001).  Gamification settings should, therefore, attempt to reward development or improvement rather than reward merely performance.


Some of the theories—such as social learning theory, social-cognitive theory, the sociocultural theory of cognitive development, experiential learning theory, constructivist learning theory, and cognitive load theory—explicate the circumstances that facilitate learning.  Social learning theory explains how individuals can learn merely from observing and monitoring other people (e.g., Bandura & Walters, 1977).  That is, if someone models some behavior or skill, observers are more likely to initiate this behavior and develop this skill themselves, at least in specific circumstances. For example, observers are more likely to emulate these behaviors if the individual they observed seemed to be rewarded and the behavior is easy to remember.


Experiential learning theory revolves around the premise that individuals primarily acquire knowledge from personal experiences with some task or setting.  Instructions from teachers, without these experiences, are not as effective.  The reason is that individuals tend to derive knowledge from a sequence of events—a concrete or tangible experience with some task, reflective observation after this experience, abstract conceptualization when individuals derive principles or insights from these reflections, and active experimentation with a range of variations (e.g., Kolb, 2013).  Gamification that prompts individuals to reflect upon their experiences with some challenge, to abstract key principles or lessons, and then to experiment with alternatives should thus facilitate learning.


Constructivist learning theory encompasses a broad range of accounts (Duffys & Jonassen, 2013).  However, most of these accounts presuppose that students are not merely passive receptacles to the information they hear but actually construct this knowledge and wisdom themselves. 


According to cognitive load theory (Sweller, 2010), when individuals need to direct most of their cognitive resources or concentration to solving a problem, inadequate resources are available to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge, information, or schemas.  Therefore, educators somehow need to minimize the facets of tasks that consume these cognitive resources but do not enhance motivation or engagement, called extraneous load.   For example, to achieve this goal, educators should enable students to consolidate information in long-term memory before these students need to apply this information again; information that is stored in long-term memory does not consume working memory or cognitive load


Many of the theories—such as theory of planned behavior, activity theory, and the technology acceptance model—explain why individuals tend to prefer some behaviors or courses of action over alternative behaviors or courses of action.  To illustrate, according to the theory of planned behavior, individuals obviously prefer courses of action they perceive as beneficial and appropriate.  Yet, in addition to these attitudes, individuals also gravitate to courses of action that other members of their social network approve, called social norms, and to courses of actions in which they feel they can initiate successfully, called perceived behavioral control (Ajzen, 2002).  



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White Structure

Transformative learning theory

The history of transformative learning theory

Transformative learning theory provides some insight into the conditions that foster profound learning and development in students.  This theory emanated from the work of Mezirow (1978), who studied women who had decided to return to work or enroll in tertiary education after a break. The study was designed to explore the conditions or circumstances that facilitated or impeded this goal of women.  An analysis of their experiences, derived from interviews and telephone surveys, revealed the women had experienced a personal transformation.  This transformation, according to the data, could be divided into ten phases:


  • a dilemma or event that disorientates these individuals, called a disorienting dilemma

  • a period of reflection or examination about themselves, coupled with feelings of guilt or shame

  • a tendency to appraise and question assumptions about their knowledge, priorities, preferences, and society

  • a recognition that other individuals have changed and transformed to address this discontent

  • an exploration of alternative roles, relationships, and actions

  • a plan to pursue some course of action

  • the acquisition of knowledge and skills to implement this plan

  • initial attempts to embrace these roles and relationships

  • developing competence and confidence in these roles and relationships

  • reintegrating these changes into their lives.


The upshot of this theory is that specific conditions can foster significant changes in the foundational beliefs, assumptions, and perspectives of students.  In particular, to experience these significant changes, individuals need to experience some event that challenges some of their fundamental assumptions and beliefs—assumptions and beliefs that underpin many facets of their lives—and then receive the support and opportunity they need to reflect upon these challenges, in a safe environment (e.g., Meerts-Brandsma et al., 2020).  If students do not experience these conditions and do not complete the 10 stages, their learning and development is likely to be stifled.  They might be able to refine their existing skills or beliefs but cannot transform their perspective fundamentally.      


The history of transformative learning theory: Contributions of paradigm shifts

Several previous theories shaped transformative learning theory (for a discussion, see Kitchenham, 2008).  An understanding of these theories can, therefore, help individuals appreciate the nuances of transformative learning theory.  For example, some principles of transformative learning theory partly originated from the work of Kuhn (1962) on paradigm shifts.  Specifically, Kuhn recognized that natural scientists and social scientists conflicted on which scientific practices they believed should be considered legitimate.   As he explored this conflict, he recognized distinct scientific communities.  Members of each community tended to value a particular set of scientific achievements, and these achievements shaped which problems they prioritized and which solutions addressed these problems. That is, each community embraced a distinct paradigm—representing the problems and solutions they value. 


Kuhn observed how these paradigms evolve.  Specifically, these paradigms emanate from an intriguing and unprecedented scientific discovery that entices researchers from other pursuits—coupled with unanswered questions that scientists can strive to resolve.  Accordingly, members of this scientific community could pursue distinct questions, depending on their interests and skills, but shared a common worldview on the problems and solutions that mattered.


Many of the terms that Mezirow deployed, as he refined his theory, originated from this notion of paradigms.  To illustrate, Mezirow (1985) borrowed the notion of paradigms to define a term called meaning perspectives. A meaning perspective is the assumptions of individuals, derived from their personal experiences and cultural environment, about which problems or issues are important and which solutions or actions are beneficial.  Thus, a meaning perspective is like a paradigm or frame of reference, but applicable to individuals, that guides their choices and actions.


Kuhn delineated how these paradigms shift or evolve over time.  Similarly, according to Mezirow (1991), when individuals experience transformative learning, their meaning perspective—their assumptions about the world—also evolve, sometimes called perspective transformation.  Earlier in life, these meaning perspectives are relatively crude.  They exclude problems and solutions that could be helpful to their lives.  They blend problems that could benefit from distinct solutions and thus should be differentiated.  And they separate problems or solutions that could be related and integrated.  As they learn, these limitations in their meaning perspectives subside.     


The history of transformative learning theory: Contributions of conscientization

Other principles of transformative learning theory, such as disorienting dilemmas and critical self-reflection, partly emanated from the work of Freire (1970) on conscientization.  Freire (1970) was concerned that teachers act like bankers, merely depositing information to students, diminishing the capacity of students to think independently and to challenge or to change society.  To address this concern, Freire (1970) advocated conscientization—in which individuals learn to recognize, and ultimately attempt to address, the contradictions and injustices that pervade society.  The role of teachers is to inspire this mindset.  Rather than perceive themselves as the font or conveyer of knowledge, teachers need to welcome the insights of students and foster critical discussion.


Specifically, Freire (1970) argued that individuals can experience three stage of consciousness growth. First, they experience intransitive thought, in which they feel that fate or some other uncontrollable being, such as a deity, governs their live.  They do not recognize they can change their conditions.  Second, they experience a semi-transitive stage: They recognize they can address some of their more immediate problems but not society more generally.  Rather than attempt to shift their society, they are more inclined to follow a leader.  Finally, individuals may experience critical transitivity. During this phase, individuals recognize the problems can be ascribed to broader patterns in society or their lives rather than specific events.  Accordingly, individuals plan, as well as initiate, actions to change their conditions in general rather than merely solve immediate problems.


The work of Freire (1970), and specifically the notion of critical transitivity, significantly shaped the writing of Mezirow.  For example, like critical transitivity, Mezirow (1978, 1981) discussed how individuals, may recognize their problems cannot be ascribed to specific events, but to inherent contradictions across the values or priorities.  The ensuing discomfort or awareness is called a disorientating dilemma—a feeling that initiates the transformation.  To resolve this dilemma, individuals reflect upon themselves and the assumptions that guide their choices and actions, called critical reflection.      


The history of transformative learning theory: contributions of Habermas

Finally, many principles of transformative learning theory can be traced to the work of Habermas (1971, 1984).  In particular, one framework that Habermas (1971) proposed, called the three domains of learning, was especially helpful to Mezirow. Habermas (1971) differentiated three kinds or domains of learning: technical, practical, and emancipatory.  The technical domain revolves around learning the rules of a specific task.  For example, PhD candidates might learn how to complete a statistical test.  The practical domain revolves around the social norms that are relevant to this task.  To illustrate, PhD candidates might learn how to justify these statistical tests as well as how these justifications might vary across communities or disciplines.  Finally, the emancipatory domain revolves personal reflection and change.  That is, individuals consider their own experiences or perspectives about some topic, such as statistics, and then consider how they could shift their practices to resonate with their goals.  They do not merely comply with social norms.


Mezirow (1981) invoked these principles to formulate the notion of perspective transformation. Specifically, reminiscent of emancipatory learning, perspective transformation refers to the circumstance in which individuals become aware of how their personal assumptions and social norms may constrain their perceptions, relationships, and behaviors.  This awareness enables individuals to establish beliefs that overcome these limitations and broadens their perspectives.  The ten phases that Mezirow (1978) articulated essentially underpin this perspective transformation.


In 1985, Mezirow adapted the three kinds of learning that Habermas (1971) differentiated. Specifically, the technical, practical, and emancipatory domains were translated to instrumental, dialogic, and self-reflective learning


The history of transformative learning theory: Refinements over time

Mezirow (1978, 1981, 1985, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003) gradually refined transformative learning theory over time, as outlined by Kitchenham (2008).  In 1985, Mezirow distinguished meaning perspectives from meaning schemes.  In essence, meaning perspectives are broad frames of reference that comprise a set of meaning schemes.  Whereas meaning perspectives are overarching assumptions that shape which problems and solutions are prioritized, each meaning scheme is a cluster of concepts, beliefs, judgments, and feelings that guide specific actions.  To illustrate


  • PhD candidates might feel their primary goal is to develop a suite of skills that are likely to be valued and scarce in the future—an overall meaning perspective

  • to develop this suite of skills, PhD candidates might develop a skill in research design, research methods, and communication—each corresponding to a distinct meaning scheme.  


This distinction enabled Mezirow to differentiate three kinds of learning.  The first kind is called learning within meaning schemes.  Specifically, individuals can revise, extend, or integrate their existing meaning schemes.  PhD candidates might, for example, extend their knowledge of research designs and thus refine the concepts that are embedded in this scheme.


The second kind is called learning new meaning schemes.  That is, individuals develop a novel set of concepts, beliefs, judgments, or feelings—but a set that is compatible with their other meaning schemes.  They might develop a skill that is likely to be valued and scarce in the future, and thus consistent with their overall meaning perspective, but unrelated to research design, research methods, and communication.


The third kind is called learning through meaning transformation.  This kind of learning evolves after individuals are exposed to a problem they cannot solve.  This impasse indicates their meaning schemes might be founded on misguided assumptions about which problems and solutions to prioritize, suggesting they might need to revise their meaning perspective.  The individuals then challenge the assumptions that underpinned their meaning perspective.  For example, PhD candidates might, for example, recognize their goal should not only be to develop a suite of skills that are likely to be valued and scarce in the future—but to learn how to collaborate with communities to design and to conduct research.


According to Mezirow (1991), this meaning transformation is predicated on critical self-reflection.  That is, during self-reflection, individuals become aware of their deep feelings about some problem and corresponding solutions.  They contemplate and question the assumptions that underpin these feelings and beliefs.  If these individuals merely listened to a leader or teacher, but without a concerted reflection on their own feelings and assumptions, they would not experience meaning transformation.


In 1991, Mezirow (1991) argued that, to transform their perspectives, individuals do not only experience the 10 stages, first delineated in 1978, but also experience another stage.  In particular, between their initial attempts to embrace updated roles and the development of competence and confidence in these roles, individuals tend to initiate another activity.  Specifically, they renegotiate their relationships as well as establish new relationships. 


As Mezirow (1991) recognized, meaning transformation is not contingent upon all 11 stages.  Yet, individuals are more likely to experience this transformation whenever they discuss their disorientation, reflections, and changes with other people, such as teachers.  These discussions should not only revolve around accurate information, unbiased evidence, and objective arguments, but also embrace alternative perspectives, fairly and equitably, devoid of coercion or prejudice.


In 1995, Mezirow distinguished three kinds of self-reflection: content, process, and premise.  First, when individuals engage in content reflection, they consider their past beliefs, behaviors, or experiences about some matter, such as how to conduct a research method.  These reflections might unearth deficiencies and help individuals refine an existing meaning schema.  Second, when individuals engage in process reflection, they consider the causes of various actions or consequences. These reflections might unearth patterns that enable people to refine an existing meaning schema or perhaps develop a meaning schema.  Finally, when individuals engage in premise reflection, they consider the values or assumptions that underpin their choices and actions.  They might, for example, question why they need to develop a skills that is scarce.  These premise reflections may transform meaning perspectives rather than only meaning schemes.   


Other refinements to transformative learning theory

Besides Mezirow, many other scholars have introduced refinements and insights to enhance the utility of transformative learning theory.  For example


  • according to Merriam and Bierema (2013), before individuals can engage in the critical reflection and discourse that is necessary to ignite transformations in perspective, they need to have developed the capacity to think abstractly—a capacity that students have not always developed

  • as Brookfield (2005) advocated, to reflect critically, individuals should consider the social norms of their society that sustain injustice and inequality in power, appreciate the effect of this inequality, and initiate actions that could redress this injustice.

  • indeed, according to Dirkx (1997), unemotive reflection is not usually sufficient to elicit changes in meaning perspectives; instead, to experience profounf change, individuals need to immerse themselves in the arts, museums, or in other settings that elicit emotional, spiritual, primal responses as well as strong images.


Practices that facilitate transformative learning: Edge emotions

Central to transformative learning theory is the notion that meaning perspectives shift only after individuals engage in deep and critical reflection.  Yet, as Mälkki (2019) underscored, people naturally resist this reflection.  Instead, Mälkki (2019) introduced the notion of edge-emotions—the emotions that individuals experience when they feel their assumptions are threatened—to offer insights on how to overcome this resistance.  Specifically, when people experience or remember an episode that challenges their assumptions about the world, they sense their understanding or predictions of future events may be misguided.  They feel, on some level, that unexpected problems and dangers might unfold, manifesting as anxiety, fear, or other unpleasant emotions.  To overcome these unpleasant emotions, individuals often invoke a range of defensive responses, designed to reinforce their assumptions and prevent transformative learning.  For example, they might


  • re-appraise the episode so this event is consistent with their assumptions

  • denigrate individuals who share information that deviates from their assumptions—or even withdraw from interactions, and so forth.


According to Mälkki (2019), after individuals learn to embrace these edge-emotions, they are more able to reflect and to adapt their assumptions effectively.   Specifically, individuals should first, in a safe environment, contemplate times in which their edge-emotions governed their responses—instances in which they felt threatened and experienced the urge to act immediately to overcome these feelings.  They may even consider now how they could have acted differently.  They could have considered other perspectives or beliefs.  They could have acquired greater wisdom.    


Consequently, in the future, when these individuals experience these feelings, they recognize the edge-emotions.  This recognition can enable individuals to contemplate their assumptions—and not to respond defensively and to eradicate these emotions instantly.  These individuals learn to recognize edge-emotions as opportunities to revise their assumptions about the world and develop a more nuanced, accurate understanding of their surroundings. 


Applications of transformative learning theory: Application to art museums

Chisolm et al. (2020) discussed how transformative learning theory can explain how immersion in art museums can enhance the clinical skills of nursing students and other health students. Art museums offer patrons some unique experiences.  They may expose students to unfamiliar perspectives and diverse cultures.  The art and surroundings may elicit reflection as well as a feeling of connection with other times, locations, and communities. 


According to Chisolm et al. (2020), art museums may elicit disorienting dilemmas, ultimately culminating in transformation.  Specifically, to elicit disorienting dilemmas, Chisolm et al. (2020) recommended that educators should not impose detailed instructions.  Instead, educators should encourage students merely to embrace the unfamiliarity and ambiguity they might experience. 


Interactive and team activities in these museums may also promote the reflection and discourse that facilitates the critical reflection of assumptions and meaning transformation.  For example, students might be granted opportunities to experience some activity, such as interact with some art or observe some artefacts. Then, educators could facilitate discussions with students on their perceptions of art and encourage reflection. These discussions show that multiple perspectives may be valid but also grant students autonomy to develop their own beliefs.


Chisolm et al. (2020) delineated a series of activities, feasible in arts museums, that might facilitate the development of clinical skills.  For example, teams of students might complete collective poems.  Specifically, the students are exposed to a work of art that depicts one or more figures. Next, each student writes, and then reads aloud, a phrase they feel one of these figures might express.  These comments are then collated to generate a poem they share with other teams. Exposure to diverse perspectives can encourage reflection and growth as well as teamwork, empathy, and communication.    


Another activity that educators might arrange is called a personal response tour.  Participants individually attempt to locate a work of art, somewhere in the gallery, that relates to a unique prompt—such as a work that shows conflict.  Participants then reconvene to share their selections, prompts, and reflections.  This task can promote empathic listening and appreciation of multiple perspectives. 


In addition, educators might consider an approach called visual thinking strategies or VTS.  Educators ask a group of students a series of questions about various works of art, especially art that is particularly ambiguous and thus likely to elicit a range of perspectives.  The questions are designed to immerse these students in the art and to prompt collective inquiry.  Specifically, the educator asks three questions: “What is happening in this picture?” “What do you see that prompts this response?” and “What more can we find in this picture?”  The facilitator then paraphrases, integrates, and compares the responses of students.  As studies reveal, the critical thinking that students show during this task are often generalized to activities beyond art.  


Applications of transformative learning theory: Study abroad programs

Chwialkowska (2020) applied transformative learning theory to improve the benefits of study abroad programs.  Many tertiary education institutions arrange programs in which students can study abroad, partly to develop the capacity of these individuals to interact effectively with diverse cultures.  Yet, many students who attend these programs do not immerse themselves in diverse cultures and, therefore, do not acquire these capacities.


To override this problem, Chwialkowska (2020) developed a model, derived from transformative learning theory, to predict the conditions, circumstances, and characteristics that increase the likelihood that students will develop cultural competence from study abroad programs.   Specifically, Chwialkowska (2020) distilled some key principles of transformative learning theory—as proposed by Mezirow as well as other exponents of this model, such as Chinnappan et al. (2013), Santoro and Major (2012), Pence and Macgillivray (2008), as well as Van de Berg et al., 2009).  For example, according to Chwialkowska (2020), transformative learning theory implies that individuals will develop this cultural competence if


  • they experience a sense of dissonance or discomfort—in which they recognize their existing assumptions diverge from their experience

  • they receive the support and guidance these need to resolve this dissonance and discomfort


As these premises imply, Chwialkowska (2020) proposed that cross-cultural learning, during study abroad, should be more pronounced if


  • students are encouraged to reflect upon their experiences with other cultures, such as reflective journals or guided reflections, in which they answer a series of questions

  • students share accommodation with diverse peers, because they are more likely to immerse themselves in diverse cultural activities

  • students collaborate with diverse peers on assignments

  • students participate in community projects, such as fieldwork, volunteering, and other structured experiential activities

  • students attend cross-cultural orientation, in which they learn about cultural norms, biases, and assumptions, enhancing awareness

  • students receive mentoring and emotional support during these exchange programs to facilitate this reflection


To assess these hypotheses, 719 students who had participated in exchange programs, across a range of nations, completed a survey.  To assess cross-cultural competence, the survey included questions that gauge the degree to which students are aware their culture shapes their beliefs and behaviors, feel comfortable interacting with diverse people, and seek information about diverse cultures.  All the hypotheses were supported.


Applications of transformative learning theory: Education in sustainable development

Rodríguez Aboytes et al. (2020) conducted a systematic review to explore how transformative learning theory has informed education in sustainable development.  The researchers extracted 226 publications in which the keywords referred to both transformative learning and sustainable development or sustainability.  As this review showed


  • 34% these publications referred to transformative learning but do not invoke the theory precisely; the term is primarily used as a buzzword

  • 23% of these publications invoked transformative learning to generate or to justify their own theoretical model

  • 7% of these publications invoked transformative learning to highlight the limitations of teachers who merely transmit information to their students

  • 37% of these publications utilized transformative learning theory as the primary framework, often to guide case studies or interventions.  


Many of these publications referred to the notion of disorienting dilemmas.  These researchers showed three sources of disorienting dilemmas.  First, students may experience dilemmas in their daily lives naturally, such as a challenging moral decision.  The educator does not contrive the dilemma or setting in this circumstance.  Second, educators might arrange a learning activity, such as an interdisciplinary setting, in which students experience a dilemma.  The educator did not contrive the dilemma but exposed students to circumstances in which dilemmas are more likely.  Finally, educators might expose students deliberately to events that are likely to challenge the frame of reference or perspective of learners, such as asking critical questions or exposing students to settings or activities that diverge from the norm. 


In addition, some publications referred to the conditions that foster critical reflection and transformative learning.  These conditions include


  • enough time and a supportive environment to encourage discussions as well as reflection around sustainability—enabling individuals to express and to contemplate their emotions, narratives, and assumptions  

  • education experiences outside formal classrooms, such as in nature, in art projects, or in other settings in which students can experiment with sustainable practices.


To facilitate the final stages of transformative learning—such as developing competence and confidence in the new roles and reintegrating these changes into their lives—many interventions encouraged students to adopt sustainable behaviors that are consistent with their transformative experience.  These behaviors included a set of habits that students can develop or some collective actions, in teams, to facilitate sustainability, such as campaigns and events to raise awareness.


Applications of transformative learning theory: Nursing education

Ryan et al. (2022) conducted an umbrella review—or review of reviews—to explore how transformative learning theory has been applied to improve the education of nurses.  First, this review uncovered the range of strategies that nursing teachers apply to facilitate transformative learning. These strategies included discourse or discussions about disorienting dilemmas and assumptions, stories about learning from disorienting dilemmas, work in marginalized communities, writing about critical reflections, and creative arts.   The most common strategy was discourse or discussions about disorienting dilemmas and assumptions.  Indeed, as McLeod et al. (2015) observed, these discussions were more likely to promote critical reflection than were written reflections.   


Nursing educators applied transformative learning theory to fulfill several goals.  For example, Essa and Hoffman (2014) suggested that transformative learning theory could facilitate leadership development.  Specifically, nursing students should first learn about the 10 or 11 stages of transformative learning.  Next, they could be granted opportunities to challenge their assumptions about leadership—an opportunity that could accelerate their leadership development.


Challenges of transformative learning theory

As Ryan et al. (2022) revealed, some features of transformative learning theory are hard to substantiate empirically.  For example,


  • studies cannot readily establish whether meaning perspectives have actually transformed, because participants might inflate the degree to which their assumptions have changed

  • researchers tend to assume that changes in meaning perspectives endure—but this assumption is hard to substantiate empirically.



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